This Forum

Well try not to be so predctable

Next time, please, write my possible answers, so I know what's predictable and then I won't write anything predictable. This is obviously sarcasm. Just go die instead. I'm pointing out that this thread is exactly the opposite as it suggests, and you tell me that it's a predictable reply...

*series of incoherent words*

...anyway, at least you don't deny the value of this thread.
Whatever man.
I didnt start this thread to get your over the top responses,
But merely raising my concern that imo, this forum is getting a bit stale with the thread material.
I could agree with you on that, the subjects (threads) often aren't interesting. But it's only because there's nothing to say right now. Maybe it'll change, or maybe not? This thread just underline the actual fact. It's just not going to change anything.

But I still love hanging around, here, with all these shit-threads.
Honestly I'd rather post the same opinion in countless "favorite" threads than have my good ole zero posts to even read if every thread was required to be inventive. I mean really, the unique threads here are random questions that don't provoke any discussion, or incredibly rare threads that provoke discussion but not near enough considering how scarce said threads are.
The only posts Arasmas has made lately are the daily posts he makes in the Now Playing thread where he basicly just posts some album cover that everyone thinks is sophisticated so he can boost his own ego. What he fails to see is how fucking sad it is to drop into a forum daily JUST to post such a thing.
...has been dead for a long time, thanks to a constant flow of trolls ruining it (e.g. Arasmas), and the people with any kind of valuable, mature input are long gone. Too bad, Opeth deserves better.

There are still people with valuable mature input, it's just that they have to spend all their time fighting off the trolls. I put everyone I consider a troll on my ignore list so I can focus on the sensible posts. I have to say that makes the forum a lot better.

I've seen far worse forums than this.

Yeah, but to quote a forum member whose name I unfortunately forgot:
That's like saying pneumonia is awesome because cancer is worse.
Here's an idea: Spend less time bitching and complaining and more time contributing something of value... and then there would be less to bitch and complain about. What a concept.
Here's an idea: do your job and go close that redundant now playing thread moonlight orchid started. :)
:lol: I'm with the karma master on this one, stop making bullshit posts in bullshit threads and they'll sink to the bottom of the internet. And if you can think of something better to talk about "New Topic" is graphically represented on just about every page.