This guy needs to be stopped

A lot of people don't know that Rachtman was in a Hard Rock / Sleaze band as a singer. He knew more than people realized.

Ther was still issues with Ricky like how every band was his favorite band when they came on the show. And when he became "hardcore" was just halarious.
My fondest memories of Headbanger's Ball is when Adam Curry was hosting. He may have been a regular dude with Bon Jovi hair but he was to the point and did not stumble.
Adam Curry was not a metalhead. They asked him to host the show, so he threw on a leather jacket and walked in front of the blue screen. The best thing about him was that he usually didn't talk much and they played more videos.
Adam Curry was not a metalhead. They asked him to host the show, so he threw on a leather jacket and walked in front of the blue screen. The best thing about him was that he usually didn't talk much and they played more videos.

Actually, he WAS a metalhead. I know this, because I used to chat with him when calling his BBS (bulletin-board system), which he ran out of his home in Verona, NJ.

As for his BBS, he was always ahead of the curve when it came to 'puters; he was the person who registered the domain back when the Web was new...and then MTV had to buy it from him later, AFTER he had quit in disgust. :)

About him quitting... There are copies floating around of his resignation diatribe against MTV. Basically, he got so disgusted with their non-music programming (and having to shill for it on-air) that he walked into the studio and just went off on MTV. Naturally it was never aired...but it was saved by the engineers. (I'd love to have a copy of this; I've heard it but never had a copy of my own.)