This guy needs to be stopped

Jeremy, he wouldn't act like such a goober on That Metal Show if the other two goobers weren't always trying to make him the butt of their jokes. For example, I caught the show a few days ago that had Jason Bonham as a guest. And during the 'Stump the Trunk' segment, Eddie was asked who wore the devil costume in the Number of the Beast video. While Eddie was thinking of an answer (which I told my wife I was 90% sure it was Nicko McBrain), the two ass-clowns immediately jumped in and stated that the person who wore the costume was somehow related to Jason Bonham (i.e. was a drummer also). So that threw Eddie a curve ball. Of course he got it wrong after he asked Jason if he knew Rod Smallwood - which Jason said 'yes'.

Whether or not Eddie knew the correct answer is beside the point. What matters is that those idiots cannot leave Eddie alone long enough to answer a question.

and yes, for those that don't know it was Nicko. He was the drum tech for Maiden at the time. And that's what Eddie did not know. But the comedians can't leave stuff like that alone, trying to make Eddie look bad.

I don't know him. I've never met him. But I've always enjoyed the radio show much more than the TV show due to it being his show, and not some corporate entity telling [them] which stupid jokes to tell in between segments. The only thing that has ever annoyed me about the radio show is when he has a guest that he worships and they drone on and on for too long during the interview. *yawn* But I do love it when I hear something new on there from traditional bands like Overkill or Accept. Like was stated earlier - you won't hear that on today's supposed 'rock' stations.
Jeremy, he wouldn't act like such a goober on That Metal Show if the other two goobers weren't always trying to make him the butt of their jokes. For example, I caught the show a few days ago that had Jason Bonham as a guest. And during the 'Stump the Trunk' segment, Eddie was asked who wore the devil costume in the Number of the Beast video. While Eddie was thinking of an answer (which I told my wife I was 90% sure it was Nicko McBrain), the two ass-clowns immediately jumped in and stated that the person who wore the costume was somehow related to Jason Bonham (i.e. was a drummer also). So that threw Eddie a curve ball. Of course he got it wrong after he asked Jason if he knew Rod Smallwood - which Jason said 'yes'.

Whether or not Eddie knew the correct answer is beside the point. What matters is that those idiots cannot leave Eddie alone long enough to answer a question.

and yes, for those that don't know it was Nicko. He was the drum tech for Maiden at the time. And that's what Eddie did not know. But the comedians can't leave stuff like that alone, trying to make Eddie look bad.

I don't know him. I've never met him. But I've always enjoyed the radio show much more than the TV show due to it being his show, and not some corporate entity telling [them] which stupid jokes to tell in between segments. The only thing that has ever annoyed me about the radio show is when he has a guest that he worships and they drone on and on for too long during the interview. *yawn* But I do love it when I hear something new on there from traditional bands like Overkill or Accept. Like was stated earlier - you won't hear that on today's supposed 'rock' stations.

I do agree they are "ass clown". They are bad hosts, not funny, and their deliveries suck. But Eddie is no better. In the same segment you mention Eddie begins whining over how it is not fair, possibly not true, and why did no one run it by him first basically. Granted saying the drummer was related to Jason may have confused Trunk but really he had no idea and when given the answer he argued with that.
Best thing in that episode was Jason saying to Eddie, "I thought you were good at this".
Whether or not Eddie knew the correct answer is beside the point. What matters is that those idiots cannot leave Eddie alone long enough to answer a question.

Unfortunately, it is part of the design of the show. Fortunately, they have toned down some of the "bit" aspect of the show and increased some of the actual content, but some of that still does exist in the show and it mostly shows up in the "Stump The Trunk" segment.

BTW, it is nice to see you again, gilpdawg. I agree with him that Trunk's radio show is much better overall.
Seriously do people still think like this? Seems a very 80s way of thinking that seemed to fade way with the Cola Wars and movies about beating up Russians.
I know people in Jersey who run into him occasionally, I have heard the stories of how he snubs people. But to be fair I have heard other stories suggesting he is a nice guy but they all are when they are signing the autographs and needing to promote themselves.

Believe it or not, there are those who do think we metalheads are Satan worshipers and nutjobs. My own wife has called some of the stuff I listen to "evil", and has actually accused me of it! We're married three years. (To be fair, she is from the rural Philippines, so this stuff is very alien to her.)

That said, there was a time where I took the word of Eddie Trunk on metal as if it came from Christ himself. Believe me when I say this. Eddie Trunk could do no wrong by me. Then, one night in April 2005, after getting melted by seeing a very good show put on by King Diamond, Nile (I still have "Sarcophagus" playing in my head) and Behemoth. Yes, Black Dahlia Murder prevented this from being a "incredibly great" show by playing like their usual shit after Behemoth kicked our asses all over BB Kings, I came home a flutzed around with the PC.

Well, I went to the BB Kings website and clicked on the schedule. Well, I scrolled down to September, and I saw three words. Three words unbeknown to me would change my listening habits forever. What were they?

"Nightwish: Tour Canceled"

Now, me being me, I clicked on the link, and I saw five people I thought was maybe some punk rock or club band wannabe. So, probably expecting the worst, I went to their old moonglow site. Well, I flutzed around to their mp3 page. I saw a weird song "She is my Sin". Clicked on it.....and my jaw dropped to the floor. Jesus Christ, Trunk never mentioned this! I was playing with that site all night. That Saturday, I picked up Wishmaster and Century Child at the old Virgin Megastore, and the rest is history.

I was betrayed. Trunk only told us about days gone by. He made us think that metal was dead. Oh, but how wrong he was. I had a circle of friends who bowed down at the Trunk altar. I introduced them to Nightwish, then later Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius and Kamelot. You won't believe the dropped jaws. You mention these bands to Trunk, and he starts blubbering like Ralph Kramden getting caught. Ask him if he thinks Marco Hietala would have been better on Maiden than Blaze, and he would go, "Who?"

Those things said, Trunk as a man is an ace. However, as being the final voice on "all things metal"? Well, I would imagine that I would find far more credible the musical opinion of a promoter from Tennessee before I take the
word of Trunk. Trunk is completely and utterly clueless.
I read in an interview that's posted on BWBK that had Jon from Iced Earth saying Eddie is a metal encyclopedia,so obviously he disagrees with us who think he only knows one genre of rock
So, you are blaming Trunk for not being able to move beyond your own warped sense of devotion?

Believe it or not, there are those who do think we metalheads are Satan worshipers and nutjobs. My own wife has called some of the stuff I listen to "evil", and has actually accused me of it! We're married three years. (To be fair, she is from the rural Philippines, so this stuff is very alien to her.)

That said, there was a time where I took the word of Eddie Trunk on metal as if it came from Christ himself. Believe me when I say this. Eddie Trunk could do no wrong by me. Then, one night in April 2005, after getting melted by seeing a very good show put on by King Diamond, Nile (I still have "Sarcophagus" playing in my head) and Behemoth. Yes, Black Dahlia Murder prevented this from being a "incredibly great" show by playing like their usual shit after Behemoth kicked our asses all over BB Kings, I came home a flutzed around with the PC.

Well, I went to the BB Kings website and clicked on the schedule. Well, I scrolled down to September, and I saw three words. Three words unbeknown to me would change my listening habits forever. What were they?

"Nightwish: Tour Canceled"

Now, me being me, I clicked on the link, and I saw five people I thought was maybe some punk rock or club band wannabe. So, probably expecting the worst, I went to their old moonglow site. Well, I flutzed around to their mp3 page. I saw a weird song "She is my Sin". Clicked on it.....and my jaw dropped to the floor. Jesus Christ, Trunk never mentioned this! I was playing with that site all night. That Saturday, I picked up Wishmaster and Century Child at the old Virgin Megastore, and the rest is history.

I was betrayed. Trunk only told us about days gone by. He made us think that metal was dead. Oh, but how wrong he was. I had a circle of friends who bowed down at the Trunk altar. I introduced them to Nightwish, then later Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius and Kamelot. You won't believe the dropped jaws. You mention these bands to Trunk, and he starts blubbering like Ralph Kramden getting caught. Ask him if he thinks Marco Hietala would have been better on Maiden than Blaze, and he would go, "Who?"

Those things said, Trunk as a man is an ace. However, as being the final voice on "all things metal"? Well, I would imagine that I would find far more credible the musical opinion of a promoter from Tennessee before I take the
word of Trunk. Trunk is completely and utterly clueless.
True, but Jon Schaffer has also said a lot of crazy shit... :lol:

Very, very true. I can't say I'm surprised though that he agrees with Eddie. From everything I've read about Jon in terms of bands he enjoys and such, he too is another one who is stuck in the 70s and 80s. While his band is more modern, he never seems to give much credit to any other modern bands with the exception of his buddies in Blind Guardian.
So, you are blaming Trunk for not being able to move beyond your own warped sense of devotion?

Well, when you listen to someone for years, and there is basically nobody else to dispute it, you tend to get a bit delusional. Is it blame? Not really. But, when you feel that someone jumped the shark in such an abrupt manner, it tends to hurt.
I guess I see your point but at the same time Trunk should only be part of experience. Not all of it. I myself am not a blind follower type of person. Which causes problems. Free will includes the choice not to ass kiss or dutifully worship.

I ran into Trunk at the Accept show in NYC and he was a bit crass. But that could be the routine not the man.

Well, when you listen to someone for years, and there is basically nobody else to dispute it, you tend to get a bit delusional. Is it blame? Not really. But, when you feel that someone jumped the shark in such an abrupt manner, it tends to hurt.
Maybe he finally wants a real education in Metal! :lol:

That's funny dude. BTW, any chance of posting archives of your show? I can't listen live due to work. I used to listen way back when you were posting on MP's board all the time.