This guy needs to be stopped

He is stuck in the 80s. He only knows about 80s metal, and the only active bands he follows are bands that were around in the 80s. He doesn't know diddlysquat about the current state of metal, and that is why he's such a joke as a metal "expert". He's a caricature.

This is pretty much to a T what this guy is. I've watched it on occasion, but only if there's a decent guest, but all the guy talks about is 80s bands and he could give a rat's ass about metal. More and more even, it's aimed towards hard rock moreso than metal. He's constantly talking up UFO, Van Halen, Kiss, Guns 'N' Roses, AC/DC and Alice Cooper and while I love said bands, it shouldn't be called That Metal Show then.
He's annoying, but he gets my respect for being one of the only guys trying to play anything remotely heavy on the radio during the dark ages. Even if he may not have played the right stuff, he had good intentions.
I am glad someone else hates this guy. Sure he has knowldge of rock and some metal. I dont watch the show...I have seen it a few times and thought it was weak and lame.

As a fan of metal, I do not want this guy representing me.

I don't feel like he is representative of metal in its entirety or metalheads in general. He appeals to a niche - those middle age guys someone was talking about in that long-winded thread that stand in the back with their arms crossed when someone new is warming up, bitch that their favorite band doesn't play all their favorite songs and never listen to anything but what jacked them up in their youth. Those are mostly Eddie's fans, I think.

I pay pretty much zero attention to him. If you did the same he might eventually fade. I've watched a total of one of his That Metal Show episodes, the Dio tribute one. It was resoundingly meh.

I went to a taping of the show, which was kind of fun, mostly because J.L. Turner was there. The whole thing is pretty contrived. I wouldn't waste much time worrying about E.T.'s take on metal, mostly the ones watching are the ones who like what he likes. It's not like anyone is going to be influenced by his opinion or non-metal fans are going to be watching and saying, "Shit, metal fans are old, self-important and ignorant."
He's annoying, but he gets my respect for being one of the only guys trying to play anything remotely heavy on the radio during the dark ages. Even if he may not have played the right stuff, he had good intentions.

"Respect", for what? Eddie is into Kiss, Metallica, GnR, AC/DC, I hear this stuff on the radio all the time, this clown does nothing more than anyone else.
I don't feel like he is representative of metal in its entirety or metalheads in general. He appeals to a niche - those middle age guys someone was talking about in that long-winded thread that stand in the back with their arms crossed when someone new is warming up, bitch that their favorite band doesn't play all their favorite songs and never listen to anything but what jacked them up in their youth. Those are mostly Eddie's fans, I think.

I would agree that that is his followers for sure.

I meet a guy in DEl. who was on one of the shows. He was telling me about the "Stump the Trunk" segment and how staged it is.
He is stuck in the 80s. He only knows about 80s metal, and the only active bands he follows are bands that were around in the 80s. He doesn't know diddlysquat about the current state of metal, and that is why he's such a joke as a metal "expert". He's a caricature.
This... this... this one thousand times.
My left nut knows more about metal than Eddie Trunk. I don't hate the guy, but I'm not a fan either. He is stuck with the same old bands 99% of the time. Metal has moved on since the 80s. It's evolved to something far bigger. I only watched his show a few times and was so put-off by his slow-witted nature, I can't watch it anymore. It's like he's speaking to a 3 year old.
I guess I just don't get the hate for him. Yes, he's opinionated, not terribly current, and kind of whiny. However he gets some decent guests and is about the only mainstream media outlet for a genre of music that dropped off the radar.
I guess I just don't get the hate for him. Yes, he's opinionated, not terribly current, and kind of whiny. However he gets some decent guests and is about the only mainstream media outlet for a genre of music that dropped off the radar.

I think the reason metal has dropped off the radar is that guys like this keep on promoting bands that have run thier course and not push newer bands. Most people think metal is a dead genre which it isnt. There are so many new bands popping up all over and are very active. It is a shame that there isnt a show to promote them. While it wouldnt be a huge ratings grabber, it would be a great way for bands to get their name out there. Could you imagine if a label like Nuclear Blast was able to get airtime on a channel like Vh1 classic or even Mtv2 or 3. You could have any band on tour be getting airtime for thier tour. New CD's and vids could be promoted. About 15 years ago or so some guys used to buy Infomercial time and they did a 30 minute video show on the E! Channel on sunday nights at 3 AM. They hit lots of the fanzines out at that time promoting it. It lasted a few months and then died. But it was cool to be able to see at that time music that had zero airplay actually on tv. With 300 plus TV channels out there I am surprised someone hasnt tried something simular.
Ricky was a better host than this guy. Hell I prefer Adam Curry even.

Ricky was the ultimate poser. I will never forget when he got the guys from Nuclear Assault confused on who plays what and who the singer was. I think Headbangers Ball would have been better if they did not have a VJ and just had guest VJ's or just videos.
I really find the reactions to Trunk here rather funny. Trunk has his niche and that's the music he grew up listening on: 70s and 80s hard rock and metal. While occasionally he'll go out of his way for some newer stuff he likes (Portnoy of Dream Theater (Ex now) has been a frequent guest on his radio program. He did have Symphony X on once on his XM program. He also was on a kick for one show pushing Supagroup.), it is more about the more classic groups and getting interviews with them about what they are doing now and their current projects. Considering the outlets he usually broadcasts on (Da Boneyard on Sirius XM and VH1 Classics on TV), that makes sense.

He definitely has his fanbase. A few years back, his XM show got pulled because Mike Piazza was on talking with him and basically ripped Da Boneyard a new one. (IMO, it was deserved) Many people were upset that the show went off the air, and after a change of management, they returned him on air. Often, he has been the best thing about the station, especially in recent years after Sirius took over and nerfed the station.

I don't think his TV show is quite as good as his radio show, since it is mostly designed as entertainment rather than being informative. I do think the new one hour format is an improvement that allows for more actual content, but it is no replacement for his radio show, which I think is excellent for what it is.
I don't really like Eddie Trunk, the dude is kind of an annoying nerd who is stuck in the eighties.... I do however like his sidekicks, pretty funny guys....
I saw some of the recent episode where he ranted about the R-n-R Hall of Fame. I don't pay any attention to the HoF, so I can't say whether anything he said was right or not.

I used to get my panties in a twist when I watched either The Metal Show or Metal Mania. Why the hell don't they play some newer bands who could use the exposure instead of playing an old Ratt or Bon Jovi video??? But then I learned to remind myself that these shows are on VH1 **CLASSIC**. Their niche is to focus on music from around the 80s. That's what they do, and wishing that it was otherwise is futile. Worrying about That Metal Show focusing too much on AC/DC, Kiss, and assorted hair metal bands is like worrying about a classic rock radio station playing too much Boston.

And, there is also the trickle down factor. In this same show, they had a list of "Top 5 Thrash Albums". It came down to the usual suspects of Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, etc. But Overkill's name showed up a few times, and they're not as big a name outside metal circles as the others. Maybe someone decides to check out Overkill based on this show, likes them enough to go to a concert on their current tour, and then gets introduced to their opening acts - who may not be big names, but at least are in the current scene.

It's not worth bursting blood vessels over. Now I'm just more irritated that I'm old enough for "my music" to be considered "classic". :mad:
