This guy needs to be stopped

I dunno. As a viewer, I seriously get the vibe that over half the people asking questions have no idea what it is they are even asking about.

Which episode did you attend?

According to the guy on the show that was wearing the Solitude t shirt the questions are give to the people. When I meet the guy at the Solitude reunion show he told me that they do not allow people to ask their own questions and they are told if they slip it in that it will be edited out. This came from a guy who was on the show and did ask a question during the Stumb the Trunk segment.
It is not that difficult to tell that it is all staged.
While these guys are from my home state unfortunately, I do record the show, mainly because I want to see who comes on and if anyone will call them out on what many have posted about in here.. do you know or recognize ANYTHING other than 80's metal?? To their credit they have had Michael Portnoy on (though I think it's because he's such a cool dood, has serious rep that can't be ignored.. but really mostly I think it's because they're good friends apparently.. see UFO Tattoo prank..), Yngwie (though he could be labeled as 80s metal, he still makes metal today and many of his musicians ie singers..Matz, Goran etc.. have a good grounding in what is going on with metal today), and Dee Snider (kinda the same thing with Yngwie via Van Helsing..) etc.. I heard Trunk explain in an interview with Portnoy that while he's good friends with him he won't play Dream Theater on his shows.. I think he thinks it's because he will lose his audience if he plays them or anything buy 80's metal.. :/

While their doity joisey in ripped off sleeve jean jacket and arms crossed attitude is really annoying and old, I hope they get a clue at some point and see that if they at least give SOME of the spotlight to the modern metal scene via progressive, melodic, power, symphonic etc they actually might INCREASE their fan base... I was surprised to see Headbangers Ball 2 do this on occasion.. but it seems so few in between when I used to record it that it just doesn't seem worth it. Wait an entire show for ONE video?? It just seems absurd. The sentiment that summarizes my typical experience when watching That Metal Show is.. eh..
I dunno. As a viewer, I seriously get the vibe that over half the people asking questions have no idea what it is they are even asking about.

Which episode did you attend?
It was a little less than a year ago, I think, and it was suppose to have been Don Dokken, but his house slid down a hill in Cali, and Joe Lynn Turner was there instead. A win for me. I know for a fact that they collected questions from people and I saw people selected for their questions and heard them talking about how they were glad they asked this that or the other thing. So at least that show was not "staged" for that part.
I'm among those that don't get the hate. I think the show has been okay, I mean it's cable TV, to have even a glimmer of something even remotely metal is great, and I know going in that it's not going to get the full respect (newer bands, etc.) I like the new 1 hour format as it gives more time with their guests - they've had some great interviews - people I'd never think I'd see on TV - Joe Lynn Turner, Scott Gorham, Blitz and DD come to mind. Though this season, they're starting to bring in more mainstream (read "boring") people - Phil Collen from Def Leppard? Really? I take the show for what it is, not what we all would like it to be. That being said, though I too really wish he would just drop the RRHOF rants!

It was a little less than a year ago, I think, and it was suppose to have been Don Dokken, but his house slid down a hill in Cali, and Joe Lynn Turner was there instead. A win for me. I know for a fact that they collected questions from people and I saw people selected for their questions and heard them talking about how they were glad they asked this that or the other thing. So at least that show was not "staged" for that part.

That's cool. I am sorry though.
There have still been plenty times where the person asking the question seriously had no clue what the heck they were asking.

Yeah, not to mention Trunk likes a lot of shitty bands. And if you disagree with him, you're wrong. Friggin' douchebag.

Hah. Like this doesn't describe 80% of the posters on this board.

I like Eddie Trunk, and I think the hate being spewed towards him is ridiculous. Sure, he's out of touch with the current metal scene, but his target is the middle aged guy that grew up listening to UFO, Thin Lizzy, KISS, etc. And he's extremely knowledgeable within the realm of classic metal and hard rock. People are saying he's arrogant and whiny, but honestly, I totally relate to the guy...I feel the same way about bands I'm passionate about. I get the sense that he really loves the music, and I find him to be a fairly real and down-to-earth person. The tv show isn't perfect, but it's the *only* outlet where metal of any sort is talked about. If it makes you feel better, think of it as being named, "That Classic Metal Show".....because that's what it is.

Regardless, I can understand not liking the guy all that much, but some people here seem to have their knickers in a little too much of a twist over him.
It was a little less than a year ago, I think, and it was suppose to have been Don Dokken, but his house slid down a hill in Cali, and Joe Lynn Turner was there instead. A win for me. I know for a fact that they collected questions from people and I saw people selected for their questions and heard them talking about how they were glad they asked this that or the other thing. So at least that show was not "staged" for that part.

strange, this contradicts someone else I spoke with who actually did the segment, uh. I should stop making these people up. But hey maybe it was different that one time though I doubt it.
No I cannot believe that people come up with such stupid questions to toss at him. I bet their is a pattern to it. I guess it is what it is....
I guess it is what it is....

Yeah, exactly.
As others have said, there are sponsors, which leads to certain bands and products that have to be pimped.

It's a major cable network.
You aren't going to get 30 minutes on why Manilla Road is one of the most underrated bands of all time, but you will on why UFO's STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT is one of the most underrated hard rock live albums of all time.

The funny thing is, if Evergrey (for example) were on the show, half of you would bitch that Eddie Trunk wasn't a real fan, or that he doesn't deserve to have him on the show, etc, etc, etc....
Hah. Like this doesn't describe 80% of the posters on this board.

I like Eddie Trunk, and I think the hate being spewed towards him is ridiculous. Sure, he's out of touch with the current metal scene, but his target is the middle aged guy that grew up listening to UFO, Thin Lizzy, KISS, etc. And he's extremely knowledgeable within the realm of classic metal and hard rock. People are saying he's arrogant and whiny, but honestly, I totally relate to the guy...I feel the same way about bands I'm passionate about. I get the sense that he really loves the music, and I find him to be a fairly real and down-to-earth person. The tv show isn't perfect, but it's the *only* outlet where metal of any sort is talked about. If it makes you feel better, think of it as being named, "That Classic Metal Show".....because that's what it is.

Regardless, I can understand not liking the guy all that much, but some people here seem to have their knickers in a little too much of a twist over him.


I like Eddie Trunk. I have the same love for many of the same bands he does. I grew up loving them too and still love them as much as the newer prog/power/melodic rock/metal I also listen to now. I never considered him "The Metal Expert." More of an "idiot savant" who knows way too much useless trivia about a certain subject than someone has a right too.

I've also met him a few times at the Rocklahoma and Rock-N-America festivals and seen him interact with other fans. He's always been really nice and gracious about people wanting photos. Also, for someone with the credentials to spend all his time backstage, on the side of the stage, in VIP areas, etc., he spent plenty of time out front, watching the show with the rest of the crowd. I even remember watching him come running from behind the stage (where he had just finished interviewing UFO) and jumping into the photo pit so he wouldn't miss any of his favorite band. That's a fan! I hate meeting people in the music media, writers, photographers, radio & TV people who couldnt care less about the band's they're covering.

As for not staying current, he does at least try to push and feature new albums and projects by the artists on the show, something "classic rock" stations refuse to do. He's also had Slipknot and others on the show during the Download Festival show, talked about bands like the Murderdolls and just had the singer from Alter Bridge on the show with Slash.

While the show does feature mainly the big artists from the 70's & 80's, they get a lot of 2nd & 3rd tier bands as well. I love UFO, Thin Lizzy and Accept but they were never huge in the US. And how many casual 80's hard rock/heavy metal fans outside of huge thrash fans and New Yorkers have ever heard of Overkill?

I think he does a good job with what he has to work with and the politics that must be involved with having a show about hard rock and heavy metal on VH1 Classic. It's just a light-hearted show about 3 guys sitting around bullshitting about their favorite bands with some pretty cool guests. Take it for what it is.

And Anne Marie I'm totally jealous you were there for the Joe Lynn Turner show!
The funny thing is, if Evergrey (for example) were on the show, half of you would bitch that Eddie Trunk wasn't a real fan, or that he doesn't deserve to have him on the show, etc, etc, etc....

That's cuz some people are never happy unless they have something to bitch about.
...So who is this guy, anyway?

Do like I do. Don't watch TV and don't listen to the radio*
Becuase, and I odn't know what it's like elsewhere, but Satellite radio is generally pretty lackluster and most of the stations I end up being exposed to don't deliver the promises implied by their program descriptions, and rarely play anything worth listening to that I don't already have; and the regular stations are all absolute drivel.

*Except you know. College radio metal shows and whatnot.
Hah. Like this doesn't describe 80% of the posters on this board.

I like Eddie Trunk, and I think the hate being spewed towards him is ridiculous. Sure, he's out of touch with the current metal scene, but his target is the middle aged guy that grew up listening to UFO, Thin Lizzy, KISS, etc. And he's extremely knowledgeable within the realm of classic metal and hard rock. People are saying he's arrogant and whiny, but honestly, I totally relate to the guy...I feel the same way about bands I'm passionate about. I get the sense that he really loves the music, and I find him to be a fairly real and down-to-earth person. The tv show isn't perfect, but it's the *only* outlet where metal of any sort is talked about. If it makes you feel better, think of it as being named, "That Classic Metal Show".....because that's what it is.

Regardless, I can understand not liking the guy all that much, but some people here seem to have their knickers in a little too much of a twist over him.

You aren't going to get 30 minutes on why Manilla Road is one of the most underrated bands of all time, but you will on why UFO's STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT is one of the most underrated hard rock live albums of all time.

Even though I dislike the show, and everything I've heard from Trunk thus far, he is correct on this. SitN is probably the best live album , as well as best UFO release bar none......JMHFO :saint:
strange, this contradicts someone else I spoke with who actually did the segment, uh. I should stop making these people up. But hey maybe it was different that one time though I doubt it.
No I cannot believe that people come up with such stupid questions to toss at him. I bet their is a pattern to it. I guess it is what it is....
Well, think about it, both can be true. If they "like" the questions they get, they use them. But if no one gives them questions they want to work with, they stage it. Seems like a possibility to me. Either way, it's "set up", no?
As a person, Eddie Trunk is a class act. One of the few who could turn the public perception that metalheads are Satan worshipers, drunks, ruffians and unstable people on its head. However, outside of 80's hard-rock/metal, he is basically clueless. I was in his chat on a lark one night, and I mentioned Emperor. I got a new one ripped open from the room about how Eddie "despises" Black metal. I then mention Nightwish, Sonata Arctica and Kamelot, and I got a resounding "They suck!" and "GTFO" from a huge portion of that room. It tells you a lot about what his fanbase is. It really tells you about either his knowledge or feelings about bands by those who listen to him.
As a person, Eddie Trunk is a class act. One of the few who could turn the public perception that metalheads are Satan worshipers, drunks, ruffians and unstable people on its head. However, outside of 80's hard-rock/metal, he is basically clueless. I was in his chat on a lark one night, and I mentioned Emperor. I got a new one ripped open from the room about how Eddie "despises" Black metal. I then mention Nightwish, Sonata Arctica and Kamelot, and I got a resounding "They suck!" and "GTFO" from a huge portion of that room. It tells you a lot about what his fanbase is. It really tells you about either his knowledge or feelings about bands by those who listen to him.

I've gotten similar attitude from XM boards as well (at least, back when I cared.) There is a certain segment of the metal fanbase that only likes "classic" bands and shuns new music, sometimes even from the bands they like!

Personally, I don't get it. But, those fans would exist if Trunk existed or not.
As a person, Eddie Trunk is a class act. One of the few who could turn the public perception that metalheads are Satan worshipers, drunks, ruffians and unstable people on its head. him.

Seriously do people still think like this? Seems a very 80s way of thinking that seemed to fade way with the Cola Wars and movies about beating up Russians.
I know people in Jersey who run into him occasionally, I have heard the stories of how he snubs people. But to be fair I have heard other stories suggesting he is a nice guy but they all are when they are signing the autographs and needing to promote themselves.
"Respect", for what? Eddie is into Kiss, Metallica, GnR, AC/DC, I hear this stuff on the radio all the time, this clown does nothing more than anyone else.
Nah, that's just what he talks about on VH1. He's the only radio guy in America to play Black Country Communion or new Halford tracks or new Overkill tracks, and he also did that stuff in the 90s when nobody give a shit about metal. That's where I respect the guy. I think he's a dork but he really cares about the scene and the music.