this has to be said because this kid is stupid lol


Jul 5, 2007
Croydon (south london) UK
this 17 year old kid was given £20,000 *dreams what i could do with that money* from his nan, dont know why... but its happened.

he has spent £17,000 so far to put on one show at the 'ministry of sound' in london. it is happening this monday and costs £15 to get it. (i'm co-headlining)

just thought i'd say.. that if one of you ( newbies expecialy) come across this type of money for watever reason....

do NOT attempt what this kid has done. he now has to sell well over 1000 tickets to break even. it cost him £8,000 to hire the venue, he then has to pay the staff and the bands. as well as this he;s payed £3,000 to get a page or two about it in this weeks kerrang. (if you got this weeks kerrang have a look) its been named the midday to midnight festival.. but its realy from 4pm till around 12.. in this time he has booked 14 bands to play the night. and reckons he will get them all in easily.. and this is after telling my band we got a 45 min slot..

around 850-900 tickets have apparently been sold and loads of people are buying on the door ( its a 14+)

come if you like, should be very interesting to see how the night turns out.. but just wanna say that this is not the way to approach such thing. if u want such a big venue, get sponsors, make them pay most of it. and say you'll advertise all there stuff and bla bla bla. but this is is one lucky person if he gets any money back at all..

umm.. my minds gone blank. but.. umm.. the moral is.. dont be stupid enough to pay for a massive venue and a whole night of live music. coz u'll probs get fuked over lol .. on the other hand.. my band does well out of it, and we get a good rider with free hot meals cooked for us all and all sorts.. lol

and come down.. should be fun!
Bleh. If that's what he wants to do with his money, what do you care? FYI, I spent around that much to get my studio started. Anyone else who has done so can tell you that amount of money doesn't go very far in a studio environment. I'm sure many people would say I was stupid to spend so much on audio gear, but it is my life and my money and I'll spend it however I want-- just like that kid. I've found it's much easier to be happy when I'm not worried about everyone else's problems/life/drama.:kickass:
Fuck. You want to do something, but don't have the money. Suddenly you get the money from somwehere and just do it. That's a dream come true, and it takes guts to do it. Maybe he didn't do this thing with all the knowledge that would be needed (I frequently participate in organizing small music events, so I know something), but he's doing what he wants.

All the fucking props in the world to that. Hope it goes well.
Ill say best of luck to anyone prepared to put their money where their mouth is and at least have a go instead of just moaning about it
lol well yah i hope it does go well for him! coz it wud suck to loose loadsa money from it. all i'm saying is.. research into things first lol... haha know what your doing so you know you'll get ur money back, rather than doing it for more adds on myspace hahaha!

well yah its tomoz night!!! come down! it will be a laugh!
How funny would it be right, if the entire thing was a major success and became an annual event that grew and grew and as such made him a millionaire.
@-Gavin-: haha i was thinking the same thing when i first read this thread.

I guess it could swing either way. just gotta wait and see i.
I also agree with "dontletmedrown", he might feel strongly about his decision which is why he put everything into it.

I've worn the same pair of shoes everyday for 3 years because i put almost every cent into gear/studio. A lot of people think I'm crazy for putting so much money into something that has no garuntee of success.
Be sure to report how the event went.

We played on a similar thing at the start of this summer, but it was in much smaller scale. Basically a small fest a mate of ours organized, but with less money and bands involved. He was a first-timer and put quite a lot of his own, hard earnt money into it, even though he knew that things might go to shit and he would end up losing his money. Sure enough there was some hassle and stepbacks, but the event turned out great, the bands and the audience were more than happy, he got some money out of it and he's gonna do it again next year. In fact, the whole thing was pretty luxurious for us - we got a free sauna, great warm meals, as much free beer as we could drink, an amazing PA at the gig and shit. Can't complain.
he has a good idea, but it will depend on what bands he booked and how much they charged him to play. If he covers his costs and makes his money back, then ALL the best to him. IF he runs a loss, then he obviously didn't do any research prior to organizing the show. I've seen many shows flop here because the wrong bands were booked. He can easily cover his costs if 14 bands are playing and there are at least 1 or 2 good underground bands like Bring me The Horizon, Gallows, Eternal Lord or the Safety Fire.
I think he'll make his money back if he's got good bands on the bill. IF 1000 people means covering cost. Does that mean, BAND payment, Venue, Staging, Lighting, Food, Etc. Etc.? Or does that mean, just the venue and staging and promotional stuff?

I hope he pulls it for his sake. It would be good experience for him.

I've done similar events with NO budget and totally relied on the door takings and I have covered my cost, paid bands etc. Every single time. And for this I have an extra few gray hair on my head.
HAHAHA so i finaly have the result for you guys!!

the event took place last night.. i got in a 6am and i'm fukin nakered!!!!!!!

so we turn up at 12 bringing our manager and manager of ambushed studios were i help out ever so often..

on the stage... ( of this pretty big venue) is a massive kit, with two kicks made from seethrough red, orange and yellow perspects... LOOKED AMAZING
to be honest. so a band gets up for sound check...

mics look like they were just thrown at the intruments, stage was a mess, and this one kid who organised it all, is standing at the desk at the back with his best friend shouting down the mic ''more kick more kick'' the kids hadnt a clue wat they as doing and were tryin to look like super heroes. they sat their.. moving the volume sliders up and down thinkin thats all that was needed..

it sounded like SHIT!!!!!!!feekback from ever direction every time anything was kit and you cud see in there faces they were scared about how the night wud turn out.
all my band looked at each other and said.. fuk it, were not playing this shit hole with these kids.

so.. me and gareth (sound engineer we baught) went up to these kids and basicaly said, ''look you dont know wat your doing do you, now u can let us take over the show and try get this night sorted or some bad shit will happen and ur gonna fuk up the night.'' and they pleeded for us to help. soo. everything as set up wrong and we spend the next 2 hours setting up the stage and sorting out all the routing to the desk and lighting rig.

we finaly got a back on again for another sound check after spending alot of time running around tryin to sort shit out.

the big problem:
it sounded like shit.

the reason??? the venue. being a massive drum'n'bass, dance, raving venue, they had the biggest stacks of amps around the venue all aiming into the middle of the floor. now the only place the stage cud go was against the back wall, meaning the speakers were facing the stage. and there was nuthin we cud do about it. so we cudnt crank it up because of the rediculas feedback we was getting...

not only this but because its a drums and bass venue they had massive subs, sum speakers giving out some high mids and and tweeters give you even higher. they actualy didnt have and speakers in the venue to deliver anything from around 150Hz-4 or 5Khz . and this put us in the shit because we needed those areas for the bass guitar and kick and epecialy the guitars to give the sound some beef power and punch.. we cudnt get any punch out of the speakers no matter how hard we tryed boosting the right frequencies, nuthin happend at all.

the subs we feeding too much into the bass drum mics and hummin like fuck and was that bad we had to put a cut at around 80-10 on the kick and boost it at 6k for people to still hear the kcik but as a click.

i cud go on for hours. about it the setup of the night.. so i'll leave it there. we just had to really adjust to the venues characteristics, so if u have questions just ask..

but basicaly this kid did sell over 1000 tickets..

guess how many people turned up...

130 people. :O

this was because the bands were buying tickets to sell and didnt get them sold.. this one headlining band called 'matt right' baught 450 tickets saying they cud sell them easy and they sold 15.

so there was like know one there to watch.

this organizing kid also hired 30 DJ's for the night to do stuff in other rooms. which took loads of his money and they all promised they wud get 15 poeple each to cum.. and they didnt.

so basicaly... i cant b assed to write any more but feel free to ask stuff..

and in the end.. the kid made £200 back from the £18,000 that he spent. thats a fukin huge loss in one night!

and all the bands were stealing each others riders and the only band that got paid was 'miss conduct' who got £500. dunno why:S all the others got shit all!

although, we got abit purely for the fact if we wernt the're the night wud have only got worse.

the last back came of at half 1 to a crowd out 15 poeple and they were my band, manager and engineer we baught, a camera man they baught, a lighting guy and the security gaurds. so i went up behind they desk coz they were down, cranked it as much as posible with it being shit and i gave them the best light show out of everyone, filled the place with smoke and went strobe and laser crazy for them..

the orgsaniser at the end looked like he was gonna kill him self and just didnt talk to anyone.

(knew it would happen)