This is Evergrey's best lineup


Are You Morbid?
I have to comment about how fantastic this lineup of Evergrey is. I must also add that the band has gone even further with Jonas. He is a fanatastic drummer and produces some really good sounds. The music seems more lively with him and energetic.

Henrik and Tom are an awesome team, Michael and Rikard put together some nice melodies.

I also wonder why Patrick left the group after so long. He wasn't so bad, but Jonas is just phenomenal and brought some new life and energy into the music.
I agree 100%
Although some of the drum fills on their older material are more elaborate, Jonas is still an excellent drummer. Tom and Henrik are like the friggen gods of harmonizing.
I totally agree too
this is the perfect Evergrey line up
But I wonder why Dan Bronell, Daniel Nojd, Will Chandra and Sven Karlsson left the band...
MetalBanger said:
I totally agree too
this is the perfect Evergrey line up
But I wonder why Dan Bronell, Daniel Nojd, Will Chandra and Sven Karlsson left the band...

I think his name was partrick Carlson but yeah I like pat much better than jonas...He used Double bass much more effectivly.
Demonspell said:
I probably would have called the ISOT lineup their best until I saw the current one perform live...their chemistry is great and Jonas' drums sounded awesome, and this lineup might actually make more than one album together... :)

Yeah, I think this one will be the official permanent line-up
Sven and Patrick were two different people. Sven was perhaps more of a fill in, though very good. I still think Rikard is fantastic with his "heavy" keyboards. I would love to hear some solos on the next album.

I think ISOT is a great album, but Inner Circle simply catapulted them into a higher arena. It's also great to crank up on a good car stereo. Jonas' playing is fantastic. I like how precise his hits sound. Like he raises the sticks the moment they make contact with the skin. It gives an energetic and clear sound.

I hope nothing changes with this lineup.
Also, keep in mind that Jonas is only 20 - 21 yrs old and the rest of the guys are in their 30's or pushing it. I was actually friends with Jonas in junior high.. And Tom sold me my very first bass when he was workin at MUG in gothenburg about 7-8 years ago.
I am new to Evergrey and recently saw the video for "Blinded". I have to say that Patrick Carlsson is a killer drummer. I would like to know what happened to him, too. His work on "Recreation Day" is incredible to me.

I admit that I behind in my listening. I will be getting "The Inner Circle" as soon as I can!
Having seen all the various lineups live I wouldn't say that anyone is better than the other, just different. I do hope that this one lasts for a long time though as too many lineup changes, although sometimes necessary, tends to disrupt the sound of the band.
Jonas is one of my favorite drummers, Patrick may be better but I like Jonas' style better, it's more powerful. Like you said though, Jonas is only 20-21 it won't be long 'till Jonas can beat those skins a 1000 times better than Patrick. :rock:
I believe this is the best lineup, although everyone was probably the best at that particular time. Most important though, that it works great for the band. Which is quite obvious it does :)