This is fucking rotten ;)

Hey people who wants to sing on an At the gates cover?
This is blinded by fear!
Check this out - BindedByMao_Wrong.mp3
I pushed myself to get the infamous rotten swedish sound, it's more of a bloodbath sound than an Entombed sound to be honest ;)
I'd like to hear your vocals on this tune, please make me happy !

Fixed the wrong notes on guitars, guitars are a bit more scooped and brighter - BlindedByMao_Fixed.mp3
EDIT2: archive with multitracks is online
At the part at 17 seconds you only play chug chug chug chug
In the original its played cooler if you listen closely.
You messed up my favourite part ;)
But anyway, cool cover. I think some people will sing over it. You should have put "At the Gates" in the title though
At the part at 17 seconds you only play chug chug chug chug
In the original its played cooler if you listen closely.
You messed up my favourite part ;)
But anyway, cool cover. I think some people will sing over it. You should have put "At the Gates" in the title though

if you can teach me how to play it I'm gonna fix that, to me it seems they play it like this. I gotta check the rockband multitracks.

EDIT: Even live they play that section like me (maybe less palmuting)
check Martin
I thought instead of chugging on the quarters
its 3 fast hits on every quarter.
Which is pretty insane in that tempo. But I think they do it that way.

Uhm I don't think they do that
I saw them live and they didn't play:
2-16th and 1-8th with accent on the first note (something like the main riff on violate by Iced Earth)

it's more of:
you do the palm muting on the E5 chord, and then you stop the sound on the fretted notes by "releasing" the fingers, so you create that choke effect on the fretted notes, leaving the open string resonate... something I didn't do