This is funny... The clown from slipknot said this.

Slipknot played more technical metal back in the days when they released Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat but now they're nu-metal.
Originally posted by DEVIANCE

yeah totally..Insision's Beneath the Folds of Flesh which came out last year is totally fucking're totally not making an ignorant fuck comment...not at all.
Slipknot sucks ass. They are not metal. Metal musicians have talent. These men do not. If it takes 9 people to make the shitty music they make then that's pretty sad. 9 members in Slipknot..with 9 people you could make some amazing music, but these guys just choose to suck. And whoever said they were grindcore you are wrong. Slipknot is nowhere near grindcore.
If you want grindcore, listen to Cannibal Corpse, or Autopsy.
Im not very surprised by this comment, and I dont really know if I should laugh or cry...

I do however agree that Slipknot are nu-metal and they do suck!

But what the hell was that "everything formed after 91 is nu-metal" post?
Would you say that bands like Old Man's Child, Behemoth and Amon Amarth play nu-metal?
Unlike many nu-metal drummers, Joey Jordinson can do blast beats.

Slipknot sucks ass. They are not metal. Metal musicians have talent. These men do not. If it takes 9 people to make the shitty music they make then that's pretty sad. 9 members in Slipknot..with 9 people you could make some amazing music, but these guys just choose to suck. And whoever said they were grindcore you are wrong. Slipknot is nowhere near grindcore.
If you want grindcore, listen to Cannibal Corpse, or Autopsy.

I know Slipknot does not play technical metal and you hate them but yes they are heavy metal. Accept it. A lot of nu-metal shouldn't be accepted as heavy metal at all but Slipknot are heavy metal. Also, a lot of heavy metal bands have talent but there are some bands who just play really simple shit but they're still considered metal. Mortican for example. They're not pure grindcore obviously but they do have songs like (sic) that is close to grindcore but not quite.

Cannibal Corpse aren't grindcore, but I'm not sure about Autopsy since I never heard any of their songs.
Hahaha. Pornogrind is a terrible joke but I love some grindcore bands like Carcass and Napalm Death especially the death-grind ones like Scar Culture and Dying Fetus.
MURAI said:
have traits like simple riffs, no solos and teen angst/depression lyrics.

Their lyrics suck. kind of like Death-Emo, but worse. They may have some talent, but they don't use it well. One good musician doesn't makea good band. Slipknot is NINE people. 3 people could easily play their music. They are barely a form of music.
Slipknot are terrible.

NapalmForLunch said:
"That's how angry I get at the music scene. I understand music has to move, but I've never felt so sorry for people listening to music right now, because it's fucking CRAP!! Nu-metal? GARBAGE! It's garbage, dude! It is! If you know you're a nu-metal band, you're fucking GARBAGE, end of the story. "

Slipknot are the heaviest commercial band that's why you call them Nu Metal. But I'd say they have their very own style & ideas.
What I however disliked, was, that they ment to show their "black/death metal roots" on IOWA - and that is ridiculous, like Metallica saying their new material will be "70 mins of complete aggro" *G*
please excuse my ignorance here... but what exactly is nu-metal? I thought it was just a genre of metal... kinda like wussy punk (poser punk.. wussy punk.. different names.. same things..) but after reading posts from people it seems like a lot of people think it is just exactly as it is.. NEW metal... Is it a genre? or is it just the new "wave" of metal?

As i said.. please excuse my ignorance.. It is kinda confusing considering each person has their own idea of what "nu" metal is...

Slipknot is more metal than it is punk.. more metal than korn (they're nu-metal). They sound harder than other nu-metal bandsbut as other people said there aren't really any solos or crazy guitar riffs.. So i don't know where to put them... Let's put them into a "special" category

Got hugely popular from the 90s and they have real simple riffs and usually no solos. A lot of them have rap influences. Their lyrics are about teen angst and depression pretty much. I'm bullied at school. my girlie broke up with me boo hoo boo hoo etc etc that kind of whiney bullshit. Some examples of nu-metal are Slipknot, Korn and Deftones. That genre has some of the worst bands in music history like Papa Roach and Linkin Park.

Slipknot sounds way more heavier than all these mainstream nu-metal because they have grindcore influences in thier house.

Fuck man. Everybody is talking about nu-metal ALL THE TIME and frankly I'm getting sick and tired of it.