Funny/Frustrating thing that happened...


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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So yah... I went to get pictures developed... I came back... and they lost my film... not to say that i was pretty fucking pissed because they were pictures i was looking VERY foward to seeing (I still hope they find them.. bastards) the guy who i bitched to looked like your typical modern NU metal poser... I asked him what his favorite band was... he said "I think right now it's Limp Bizkit... but I'm getting into the more hardcore stuff like Slipknot" I was so pissed that at that time I said exactly this "You think slipknot is hardcore and limp bizkit is good music?? No wonder you lost my fucking film if your store hires people like you" I then proceeded to walk out... I don't think the guy knew what hit him
Originally posted by Towelie
So yah... I went to get pictures developed... I came back... and they lost my film... not to say that i was pretty fucking pissed because they were pictures i was looking VERY foward to seeing (I still hope they find them.. bastards) the guy who i bitched to looked like your typical modern NU metal poser... I asked him what his favorite band was... he said "I think right now it's Limp Bizkit... but I'm getting into the more hardcore stuff like Slipknot" I was so pissed that at that time I said exactly this "You think slipknot is hardcore and limp bizkit is good music?? No wonder you lost my fucking film if your store hires people like you" I then proceeded to walk out... I don't think the guy knew what hit him

oh attacked him cuz of his musical preferene ?
GOOD WORK!!! :heh: :heh:
who cares what other people like in music?? i mean really why should u care? So the guy listens to limp bizkit and thinks that slipknot are hardcore (which they ARE compared to any other stuff which most people get to hear), most people who are into metal were like that at one stage, why? because underground metal is umm underground, it has a bad public image and its hard to get into at first (vocals/speed/etc), and has so many subgenres that its so easy to get the wrong idea if you listen to the wrong CDs first. So people either get introduced to the good stuff by friends, or grow up on the stuff, otherwise they are just never gonna hear it or even know about it. So if they like limp bizkit and slipknot then maybe they are the type of person who just needs that introduction to 'real' metal and suddenly theyll be just like you.

i mean abusing somebody just because they have different music tastes and get different things from music is so intolerant. Believe it or not, every single person is ignorant just like this guy you talked about, we cant possibly explore every single underground scene for every type of music/art/movie/etc, so we choose to explore some and have no idea about others, but the greatest ignorance is to think we arent ignorant. With that in mind realise that this person is no worse or better than you, simply different, and maybe a helpful push in the underground metal direction would be greatly appreciated.

i wouldnt get along so well with people who like limp bizkit because i think generally they have a different personality, but it just seems a little extreme to attack someone just because they like a certain band.
Well said, but I still hate clones, I know alot of people who like that "music" and they are cool, some of those bands even have the occasional song I like, it really comes down to personal opinion, of which all of us have....

Good night.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
You did wrong
If the lost my pictures i would proceed to take legal actions or demand a good amount of cash without considering the musical tastes of the clerk

you're always so serious:p ....take some time out of your day and make fun of is great therapy;)
I try not to start alternate conversations with people "in the line of fire" when there's a...problem to be settled. He's just the guy at the window/desk. I bet someone else, like the person(s) responsible for developing the film, fucked them up and they're gone. Sorry, I try to look at things like that right off so there are no surprises down the road.

I'd be pretty bummed out about my pictures too. That sucks. You set him up...didn't you? You were mad and you asked him a question you KNEW he wouldn't answer the way you liked and when he said that one thing...your head blew up like you knew it would and you WENT OFF ON him...didn't you? You let him have it.

No? Oh...sorry. Haha...we all have different methods of letting off some steam. ;) Not like you'd want to or anything, but you could have made like you had a really good secret to share with the guy and be all like..."That's what I thought too once about metal...but I was wrong. I was saved. I found Opeth." and walk away. :lol: I know...probably think you were talking about some religious leader. savior!


"Across the leafy pathway,
Their deeds smeared in blood.
For all to behold,
The council of the cross."
Yoyogak... I wasn't mad because he liked limp bizkit, etc... I was mad because the idiot lost my film that had VERY important photos on it for insurance reasons... and that just sent me over the edge... I was pissed... and it was supposed to make you laugh more than tell me that i'm a bad person... but I still enjoy thinking of the look on his face... and that's fine for me to do :)