THIS is how you do a cover tune!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Holy smokes!!!
I knew this tribute album existed, but had completely forgotten about it.

I discovered it today when looking for some TROUBLE tunes to share with a co-worker.

Spiritual Beggars have been on my long list of "bands to check out"
This cover may push them higher on that list!!!

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Hi guys I was just wondering if you could give me your opinion on my growling. [ame][/ame] thanks
Yeah, I have always been aware of who was in the band , but I guess I always viewed it as a side project, though I think this band may even pre date Arch Enemy.
Anyhow, I will have to look into them.
Yeah, I have always been aware of who was in the band , but I guess I always viewed it as a side project, though I think this band may even pre date Arch Enemy.
Anyhow, I will have to look into them.

It is a side project, but it's a very successful side project.