This is Piss Poor (but still funny)

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Alright, so I am at my radio meeting yesterday and I look at a new sheet up for our department with all of our shows on it. I notice I have two names under mine (one a guy, the other a girl) so i ask the director "Do I have two apprentices?" He says "no, just one." Im say "Oh, good. Do I have the guy or the girl (hopin to get the girl lol)" he says "Lucky for get the guy. In fact he's here." So we are introduced, I naturally ask him "So what kind of metal do you like?" He gives me a look and says "Im not really into metal." Im a little ticked now so i turn to my director (right in front of the guy too) and say "He doesnt even like metal!" My director says "He will learn."

Whatever lol. But that isnt the hilarious part. He really looks like a preppy kid who looks like he's in a frat or soon to be in one. So I go home tell my old apprentice (who i got along with very well on air) and he says "thats alright, you could be like the odd couple" and starts singing a gingle like "Anton's metal, and he's prep doo da doo"

We will see. Maybe I will make him a progger. Maybe I will scare him off. Either way, i dont care.
If he`s into rap, warm him up with some rapcore. Even though I know you and every other person that posts on UM hates rapcore with fervent passion, it`s worth a try. Proceed to stuff like System of a Down and gradually slide from old school metal to prog metal. Make it a smooth entry, good luck :)
Converting is hard, but not impossible.

A friend of mine used to like Nirvana and *ugh* Lifehouse. And because of me, he fell for SyX.