This is so fucking sick

I had a friend who got sent there. he spent 8 months in that place and when he got out he went right back to being the same stoner that he was before. 40 g's well spent huh.
Stealer of Dreams said:
So...who's watched The Pretender??
Nothing like brainwashing our kids to think like someone else thinks they should think. (*ouch*)

My wife and I just had a little disagreement because my 10-year-old wanted to watch CSI:Miami and the Waterboy. She chose something completely different because she didn't think either was appropriate. I told her that I thought CSI was a better choice, because there, at least, he's getting to use some analytical thinking... To quote WD, "'cause the Waterboy just SUCKED!" I can see her point about the gore factor (Oh, no! Not real life!!), but I'm one for using your brain, and the sooner you learn it the better, I guess.

You're right, though, this is BS. I tell you what -- you want to get rid of classroom violence, give the teacher the power back to DO something about it. If a student acts up, there's nothing like a good, powerless, teacher to set things right. Sorry, that was sarcastic. Besides, all this starts in the home. If the parents have lost that much control, it sounds like they were too busy with their own lives to have kids then. Irrisponsible parents shouldn't be allowed to punish their children for their own lack of participation/influence in their children's lives. windows PC just comitted suicide...damned XP just threw a runtime library... Sorry -- that was a little random...(typing this on the linux box...nary a crash in the last year, thank you)...

Guess I just get EXTRA cheesed when I hear about parents trying to fix their lack of ownership of the responsibility of raising a child by shipping them off to have their minds destroyed by people who just got done reading all the Behaviorist modification crap I had to learn in Psych 43...

Ack. Now, I REALLY, need to go bed. BAH!
Stealer of Dreams said:

if i had parents fucked up enough to send me there (like that girl who was going to harvard but her parents didn't like her boyfriend so they sent her to camp hell), i'd be on my best behavior and get out as soon as possible. then when i got home, i'd kill my parents in the most brutal/painful way possible. then i'd plead not guilty on the grounds of being sent to a behavior modification internment camp.
Unregistereds said:
if i had parents fucked up enough to send me there (like that girl who was going to harvard but her parents didn't like her boyfriend so they sent her to camp hell),
There's that whole ownership they don't like her boyfriend? So what? That seems to be THEIR problem, not the girls. Idiots.

i'd be on my best behavior and get out as soon as possible. then when i got home, i'd kill my parents in the most brutal/painful way possible.
a la A Clockwork Orange, methinks. "Hey, mom -- which Brandenberg Concerto are we on, again?" "AAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Either that, or The Waterboy over and over and over...

then i'd plead not guilty on the grounds of being sent to a behavior modification internment camp.
You know... I'd have to look up the legal precidents on brainwashing...novel idea....again, I'll have to make a reference to A Clockwork Orange...
And soon I can make the Autobahn a very unsafe place by my unholy presence! (I am 18, yes, but in Germany you can do your Driver's License only when you are 18+. But for compensation, we germans my drink beer legally with 16+ :D )
Wolftribe said:
fortunately i know that my parents would never support something like that...
That's a good thing -- and it's really the most important thing. My parents were always very supportive of me, even when I went into my hacker/metalhead phase. They supported me when I thought for myself and encouraged it. They didn't always agree, but they let me make my own mistakes and supported regardless. I felt lucky then and i feel lucky, now, and I try to pass that on to my own sons -- thinking isn't a crime. Fitting in isn't necessary. Respect is something you earn, as is trust. Most importantly, there is no spoon. :cool:

"Oh my God, it's-a-Johnny/hanging by his neck..." I'm not sure what I would have done had I been sent to this brainwashing school, but I'm thinking the locale would have been conducive to a tan and learning about the melting points of various and sundry things around the "compound." Fire is freedom.
I would commit murder. That is the most fucked up place i have ever heard of. Basically Spolit rich Kids whose parents have more money than sense cant cope with little dave smoking a joint, freak out.

The REAL troubled Kids, The ones who really do need help will not get it.

And I strongly debate that this can be classed as "Help"


I am trying to find their hompage to send this to them :)
I can't believe that there is such a place where emotional torment is considered "brainwashing":yell:. I mean, come on, look what will happen to these kids that are sent there, what will happen to them in ten or twenty years time, who knows, they might become psychotic and end up in a mental facility.:erk: