This is some hypocritcal shit.


Sep 11, 2005
Jihad Against Danish Newspaper
From the desk of Paul Belien on Sat, 2005-10-22 20:25
Islam is no laughing matter. The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten is being protected by security guards and several cartoonists have gone into hiding after the newspaper published a series of twelve cartoons (see them all here, halfway the article) about the prophet Muhammad. According to the Islam it is blasphemous to make images of the prophet. Muslim fundamentalists have threatened to bomb the paper’s offices and kill the cartoonists.

The newspaper published the cartoons when a Danish author complained that he could find no-one to illustrate his book about Muhammad. Jyllands-Posten wondered whether there were more cases of self-censorship regarding Islam in Denmark and asked twelve illustrators to draw the prophet for them. Carsten Juste, the paper’s editor, said the cartoons were a test of whether the threat of Islamic terrorism had limited the freedom of expression in Denmark.

The publication led to outrage among the Muslim immigrants living in Denmark. 5,000 of them took to the streets to protest. Muslim organisations have demanded an apology, but Juste rejects this idea: “We live in a democracy. That’s why we can use all the journalistic methods we want to. Satire is accepted in this country, and you can make caricatures,” he said. The Danish imam Raed Hlayhel reacted with the statement: “This type of democracy is worthless for Muslims. Muslims will never accept this kind of humiliation. The article has insulted every Muslim in the world.”

Flemming Rose, the cultural editor at the newspaper, denied that the purpose had been to provoke Muslims. It was simply a reaction to the rising number of situations where artists and writers censored themselves out of fear of radical Islamists, he said. “Religious feelings cannot demand special treatment in a secular society,” he added. “In a democracy one must from time to time accept criticism or becoming a laughingstock.”

The affair, however, has also led to a diplomatic incident. On Thursday the ambassadors of eleven Muslim countries, including Indonesia, a number of Arab states, Pakistan, Iran, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, complained about the cartoons in a letter to Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. They say the publication of the cartoons is a “provocation” and demand apologies from the newspaper.

Jyllands-Posten was also included on an al-Qaeda website listing possible terrorist targets. An organisation which calls itself “The Glorious Brigades in Northern Europe” is circulating pictures on the internet which show bombs exploding over pictures of the newspaper and blood flowing over the national flag of Denmark. “The Mujahedeen have numerous targets in Denmark – very soon you all will regret this,” the website says.

Meanwhile in Brussels a young Muslim immigrant published a poster depicting the Virgin Mary with naked breasts. Though the picture has drawn some protest from Catholics (though not from Western embassies, nor from the bishops), this artist need not fear being murdered in the street. On the contrary, he is being subsidised by the Ministry for Culture.

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
I have said it once, and I will say it again. Fuck Islam and all that. They worship death and terror. I would love to be locked in a room alone with about three or four of those radical muslims with nothing but a crowbar in each of my hands. Pardon if I offended anyone, I do apologize, but hearing about muslims and all that is not only getting very, very old, but it is starting to piss me off.:yuk:
If they do bomb Jyllandspostens office, will they blame Allahs will or finally come clean and blame Judas Priest?

Intolerant, bitter fucking wankers. If you don´t like the freedom of speech were you live. Please fucking move to Yemen, let´s see how much fucking bitching they allow you to do there before they throw you in jail.
There is something alot of you do not understand:

Yes the muslims are indeed overreacting, BUT...Freedom of speech is not the same as making fun of someone's prophet!!! Freedom of speech does not give you the right to ridicule someone elses religion, prophet or belief. Freedom of speech does not mean you can allow yourself to make degrading drawings of another religion's prophet. If a newspaper in a muslim country had made offensive cartoon drawings of Jesus, half the WESTERN world would be screaming for war against muslim countries. You need to understand that muslims do not think like westerners. What we see as satire they see as offensive humiliation.

Just for the record: I am no fan of Islam. I am not a Christian either. I am not even an atheist. I have no interest in religion and in fact I think it's humanities worst invention but I believe that the religion and prophets of others must be respected.
Dick Goof said:
There is something alot of you do not understand:

Yes the muslims are indeed overreacting, BUT...Freedom of speech is not the same as making fun of someone's prophet!!! Freedom of speech does not give you the right to ridicule someone elses religion, prophet or belief. Freedom of speech does not mean you can allow yourself to make degrading drawings of another religion's prophet. If a newspaper in a muslim country had made offensive cartoon drawings of Jesus, half the WESTERN world would be screaming for war against muslim countries. You need to understand that muslims do not think like westerners. What we see as satire they see as offensive humiliation.

Just for the record: I am no fan of Islam. I am not a Christian either. I am not even an atheist. I have no interest in religion and in fact I think it's humanities worst invention but I believe that the religion and prophets of others must be respected.

True that but drawing cartoons about Jesus and Mary (in "slutty outfits") have been done for years. You are right though that satire is part of the "western culture". Indians for example have a shitty sense of humour if you ask me, they like people falling on their asses and pies in their faces and so on.

No one shall ever draw a funny cartoon of Peter Dolving, he is my prophet and if you do not respect that I shall come around and assfuck you and your hairy-stomached mom!
Islam can lick my balls.
you can tell thos muslim pricks that I have drawings of their prophet having anal sex with richard simmons at my desk at work. come get me mohammed.
Jockthrax said:
Islam can lick my balls.

Aha! Let me guess, Bush loving neocon? What about Judaism, can Judaism also lick your balls? Or how about Satanism and Buddhism?
Karina_666 said:
you can tell thos muslim pricks that I have drawings of their prophet having anal sex with richard simmons at my desk at work. come get me mohammed.

Would you dare to substitute the word "muslim" with "jew" or "my pals" in that racist post above? Or is the only permissible form of racism these days racism against muslims and Arabs? As for "muslim pricks": what makes them "pricks"? How many muslims do you know personally? What do you know about Islam apart from what George "Bomber of Arabs" Bush has told you?
Hmm, the reations so far:

There´s been 2 bomb threats against Jyllands Posten. The paper is now protected by guards. Something which is unheard of here.
All the cartoonists have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives.
Countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have issued state supported boycott of all Danish goods and services. Arla (who produces milk, cheese etc.) have so far had to fire 1000 employees in Saudi Arabia, and 120 in Denmark.
(Funnily enough, Mærsk, who transports large amounts of Saudi oil, hasn´t been boycotted.)
The Danish flag and pictures of our PM has been burned in various countries.

Anyway, now that papers in most of Europe have published the pictures in solidarity with Jyllands Posten, let´s see if the Arabs will boycott them too...

There´s been rumours that they would try to prevent us from buying oil. Let them! Since Denmark is a Net Exporter of oil, gas and electricity I think we´ll survive!
Dick Goof said:
There is something alot of you do not understand:

Yes the muslims are indeed overreacting, BUT...Freedom of speech is not the same as making fun of someone's prophet!!! Freedom of speech does not give you the right to ridicule someone elses religion, prophet or belief. Freedom of speech does not mean you can allow yourself to make degrading drawings of another religion's prophet. If a newspaper in a muslim country had made offensive cartoon drawings of Jesus, half the WESTERN world would be screaming for war against muslim countries. You need to understand that muslims do not think like westerners. What we see as satire they see as offensive humiliation.

Actually, freedom of speech means all of those things and so much more.

And in the US, there are many offensive pieces of "art" displayed in taxpayer supported museums. There is no violence because of them. The outrage is usually limited to calls for withdrawing taxpayer support of them. And since I am against welfare for museums, I'd support that even if the artwork wasn't "offensive."
jdelpi said:
Actually, freedom of speech means all of those things and so much more.

Fine. So if freedom of speech means I can make fun of Islam, muslims, arabs or anyone who is middle eastern, does freedom of speech also mean I can make fun of jews or judaism?
MyHatred said:
People have been making jokes about jews forever and just about any religion for that matter.

Yes, but not without being accused of being Nazis or Hitler worshippers. Jokes about jews are rather unpopular compared to jokes about muslims which are literally encouraged, especially in a country like the U.S. of A. where the majority of the population are muslim haters.
Dick Goof said:
Fine. So if freedom of speech means I can make fun of Islam, muslims, arabs or anyone who is middle eastern, does freedom of speech also mean I can make fun of jews or judaism?

It sure does. It doesn't mean everyone will agree with you. It may even result in people saying unkind things about you. But free speech means being able to say things without fear of the government stopping you and without people using physical force against you.
Dick Goof said:
Yes, but not without being accused of being Nazis or Hitler worshippers. Jokes about jews are rather unpopular compared to jokes about muslims which are literally encouraged, especially in a country like the U.S. of A. where the majority of the population are muslim haters.

Well, a lot of people that say nasty things about Jews ARE Nazis or Hitler worshippers. See, for an example in the US, the so-called Institute for Historical Review.
Dick Goof said:
Would you dare to substitute the word "muslim" with "jew" or "my pals" in that racist post above? Or is the only permissible form of racism these days racism against muslims and Arabs? As for "muslim pricks": what makes them "pricks"? How many muslims do you know personally? What do you know about Islam apart from what George "Bomber of Arabs" Bush has told you?

oh, there you go putting words into my mouth. I live and work near New York City, I know plenty of muslims. In fact, I'm at work right now with several people who participate in that joke of a religion. And I am anti-Bush, so stop trying to lump me in with the Bush worshippers to fit your retarded stereotype. Yeah, I said retarded, so now you can accuse me of hating them to. You're just pissed because a woman actually expressed an opion without asking your permission first. You are aptly named Dick Goof.
Dick Goof said:
Fine. So if freedom of speech means I can make fun of Islam, muslims, arabs or anyone who is middle eastern, does freedom of speech also mean I can make fun of jews or judaism?

Of course you can! And you should! We want all of your Gene Simmons jokes!

But there aint nothin like a good nazi-joke.
Its all opinion, what one person thinks is offensive, isnt to another. What one person thinks is bad enough to constitute a bombing, another thinks its satire. Scott, I am sure, would be very happy to school us all on freedom of speech. We can say what we want, when we want, in good taste and bad. Yes, Muslims think different from us, but ya know what? If they dont like it, they can turn off the TV, turn the page, or go outside. If this was 20 years ago, there probably wouldnt have even been a raised eyebrow. The reaction would have been "tough, Islam, get over it." But because this is in the media NOW and getting attention NOW and the fact that people fear Muslims (I don't, personally), is why they are getting the reaction they get now. Everyone that has posted has had a good point. I think we are giving the muslims too much power in our heads. I heard once "how do you fight an enemy that is willing to die?" The answer is easy. Shoot them. If they are not afraid to die, give them thier wish. How do you fight terror? Just like the bully on the playground, ignore them, all else glorifies them. If Muslims and Arabs want to be taken seriously, they should quit making threats and acting like cowards. :yell:

And by the way, I have a TON of battered women jokes and dead baby jokes. They put racism and all those kind of jokes to shame, and I think they are funny as hell, and I am damn proud to be in a place where I can tell them and not have someone screaming "ALLAH!" and drive a Isuzu into my home and blow it up.