This is what i want


Jul 21, 2003
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Well this is the car i want :hotjump: what car do you have or want?
I hate cars and driving, state threw a license at me and had me driving for 8 months though. All major cities should be car free in my opinion. Dangerous, bad for the envoirment and noisy.
elzka said:
bmw is just bad car, not worth wanting..i think you have much better car now susie..
LAME!!!!! What kind of shit you talk about?!?! German cars have the best quality and driving a BMW is fun and joy! They are good, they have personality and perfect service, nice design and that. With much safety and good handling. The new Z4 is gorgeous, e.g.

I wish you can get one! Its worth it.

i dont have a driver licence either but i have a driver :tickled:

if i had much money, I'd choose a BMW, a Volvo for travelling, a Porsche for fun, maybe a Jaguar for cities and a banana-green Smart for shopping nearby.
i want a family volvo, with automatic gear, air-condition..yeah, and cd-player with those buttons in the wheel.
and it would be nice if it was red :)
i have driven some new bmws and they were shit. at leaast here in arctic conditions :D
my dad has audi and he really likes it..and i think its ok too. but i still want that volvo :cry:
BMW is for driving emotion. It's a MAN car anyway...

ah.. and I forgot that I also need a Grand Cherokee, a black one with darkened windows in mafia style! :d