
Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact

Once upon a time (75 million years ago to be more precise) there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu. Xenu was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy including our own planet Earth, except in those days it was called Teegeeack.

Xenu the alien ruler Now Xenu had a problem. All of the 76 planets he controlled were overpopulated. Each planet had on average 178 billion people. He wanted to get rid of all the overpopulation so he had a plan.

Xenu took over complete control with the help of renegades to defeat the good people and the Loyal Officers. Then with the help of psychiatrists he called in billions of people for income tax inspections where they were instead given injections of alcohol and glycol mixed to paralyse them. Then they were put into space planes that looked exactly like DC8s (except they had rocket motors instead of propellers).

These DC8 space planes then flew to planet Earth where the paralysed people were stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions. When they had finished stacking them around then H-bombs were lowered into the volcanoes. Xenu then detonated all the H-bombs at the same time and everyone was killed.

The story doesn't end there though. Since everyone has a soul (called a "thetan" in this story) then you have to trick souls into not coming back again. So while the hundreds of billions of souls were being blown around by the nuclear winds he had special electronic traps that caught all the souls in electronic beams (the electronic beams were sticky like fly-paper).

After he had captured all these souls he had them packed into boxes and taken to a few huge cinemas. There all the souls had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures that told them what life should be like and many confusing things. In this film they were shown false pictures and told they were God, The Devil and Christ. In the story this process is called "implanting".

When the films ended and the souls left the cinema these souls started to stick together because since they had all seen the same film they thought they were the same people. They clustered in groups of a few thousand. Now because there were only a few living bodies left they stayed as clusters and inhabited these bodies.

As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and they locked him away in a mountain on one of the planets. He is kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery and Xenu is still alive today.

That is the end of the story. And so today everyone is full of these clusters of souls called "body thetans". And if we are to be a free soul then we have to remove all these "body thetans" and pay lots of money to do so. And the only reason people believe in God and Christ was because it was in the film their body thetans saw 75 million years ago.

Fucking Scary :zombie: I mean in a general sense it's the same as any religion, but for some reason this fucking story makes all the others seem VERY believable. :lol: Fuckwits.

Look at the people who actually believe this shit:

:lol::lol: Seriously wtf...
That's a story I wrote wen I was 11 for an exam. I got 62%. I needed money to pay all the drug I was taking a this time so I sold my story to a guy named Ralf Hubert, or John Rubbard I don't really remember... oh wait it was L. Ron Hubbard, thanks Swabs.

I don't really know why or what became that story... I heard some people really like, and even base their life on it! Awesome isn't it for A FUCKING 11 YEARS OLD FICTION WRITER.

That's so stupid.
That thing makes me want to cry...

I mean, I am open minded, so


So why do fuck people is following him? I mean, even now I think there's overpopulation on earth, I wouldn't really want to be 150 billions living on the earth again.

Than, WTF in my REALLY HUMBLE opinion, being 100 billions soul in the same motherfucking body would make us fucking more "powerful" than 1 soul... Maybe I read too much of Dragon Ball and got the wrong idea of the fusion or teamwork :lol:

And that's just the basic of how the fuck it's stupid...
That thing makes me want to cry...

I mean, I am open minded, so


These DC8 space planes then flew to planet Earth where the paralysed people were stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions.
:lol: Right... that is SO possible.

When they had finished stacking them around then H-bombs were lowered into the volcanoes. Xenu then detonated all the H-bombs at the same time and everyone was killed.

:lol: Wtf is the point of that, it makes no sense... his master plan is so retarded and inefficient... ffs.

Tom Cruise is a fucking knob. :Smug:
fuck scientology fucking assholes !!!
hail ANON! :kickass:

those of you that don't know what i am talking about look on youtube
That's a story I wrote wen I was 11 for an exam. I got 62%. I needed money to pay all the drug I was taking a this time so I sold my story to a guy named Ralf Hubert, or John Rubbard I don't really remember... oh wait it was L. Ron Hubbard, thanks Swabs.

I don't really know why or what became that story... I heard some people really like, and even base their life on it! Awesome isn't it for A FUCKING 11 YEARS OLD FICTION WRITER.

That's so stupid.

The dude made something on the order of 100 million $ with that story. Which one of you is the stupid one?
It took you this long to realize this? Scientology is bullshit hidden behind a believable name :lol: It is actually a cult and each member of the church of Scientology has documented information about them stored in some fuckin' headquarters...hmm, sound bizarre? It is also has killed many of their own members and everything about the religion is nutty.

I still believe it is a religion mocking other religions :lol:
I didn't know that this "story" could be new to anyone!

Normally, the Scientologists get to know this wisdom step by step. They have to pay a special amount of money and they have to be a member for a special time to reach the next higher level of wisdom.
Funny thing is, that some hackers stole the whole stuff some years ago and spreaded it over the whole internetz so that everyone could read it. :lol:
The blog owners who posted it were threatened and often harrassed by plaints and many spammails.

So Joe, could you get an autograph for me when Tom Cruise knocks at your door to batter you down? :lol: