This is why I don't post on this board

it's just his opinion and far from the truth, i saw Anthrax with my own eyes 2 months ago and they fuckin' ruled, the audience enjoyed it and it looked like the band also had a good time. i know a guy who went to Czech Sonisphere so he saw the same show as johnnieCzech and he said Anthrax owned and the crowd was into it.

you need to be blind if you don't see how much the crowd enjoys the show (giving the horns)

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The only thing that really bugs me is Rob's 'look'. He just stands there with that purple guitar and beanie on. Looks like an old man. I just think of Monster Magnet when I see him on stage. Would love to see Danny Spitz back up there. No offense to Rob I am sure he is a great guy and good guitar player but he just looks out of place on stage and doesn't add anything appealing to the live show
i agree with Darrell on that one, saw 3 reunion shows in '06 and Danny was just standing there, he looked pretty bored so there's not much difference between him and Robb in relation to stage-presence nowadays. the difference would be in the solo-section because Danny's solos are closer to the studio version. btw i don't like Robb's beanie but the purple guitar is cool.
i agree with Darrell on that one, saw 3 reunion shows in '06 and Danny was just standing there, he looked pretty bored so there's not much difference between him and Robb in relation to stage-presence nowadays. the difference would be in the solo-section because Danny's solos are closer to the studio version. btw i don't like Robb's beanie but the purple guitar is cool.

Well also besides stage presense I would love to see Spitz back in the studio writing tunes. I think he could be a good kick in the ass to Scott Ian who seems to have lost his thrash metal guitar playing. Rob is probably more of Scotts little bitch in the studio and just goes along with the nu metal power grove riffs. I guess time will tell
i'm not sure if Danny is still into Thrash, DeuxMonkey is far from it *gg* and he also is a big Korn-fan so i doubt he would make a new record thrashier these days. in the old videos Danny ruled, Robb also was much more active on stage during the Bush-era. they should get the thread starter, he can also play guitar but i don't know how good he is.
the songs 'Safe Home', 'Black Lodge', 'Bare', 'Harms Way', 'Pieces' are fine, but... (see above)

...and under no circumstances ON a metal record!

Don't see why not? Metal records always have a softer song or two. As far back as the first metal band, Black Sabbath...They always had songs like "Planet Caravan," "Solitude," etc. The rest of the songs are metal, so who cares? Journey, however, has zero to do with metal...and the idea of a thrash metal singer who should have some aggression and energy...singing a sappy AOR rock track...and that somehow validating him as a great metal preposterous.
it's ok Deege, Vol. 8 is still in your collection, you can spin it 10 times a day but the chances to hear any of those songs live again are not too high and don't forget to crank Stomp 3 times a week as loud as you can. i think Joey's unique style of singing was part of Anthrax's success in the 80's cause there were countless bands that had vocalists with aggression and energy, the only problem was most of them sounded the same. *gg*. Overkill's Blitz is also a unique vocalist, there's no one that sounds like him. yes, Joey's and Blitz's vocals do turn off some listeners but they fit the music perfectly, like 6er said in Anthrax's heyday the agression came from the heavy guitars and i agree with him on that one. the combination of the heavy guitars with the not so heavy melodic vocals of Joey was something special that set them apart from the rest. and: there's nothing wrong with having a ballad on a metal record, kind of as a bonus track, i enjoy Planet Caravan on Far Beyond Driven, but it leaves me kind of unsatisfied if i put in a metal cd and get to hear several not so heavy midtempo-rockers and only one heavy tune in between.

Don't see why not? Metal records always have a softer song or two. As far back as the first metal band, Black Sabbath...They always had songs like "Planet Caravan," "Solitude," etc. The rest of the songs are metal, so who cares? Journey, however, has zero to do with metal...and the idea of a thrash metal singer who should have some aggression and energy...singing a sappy AOR rock track...and that somehow validating him as a great metal preposterous.

So you want a singer that will make Anthrax sound like every other 'thrash' band out there? Not me. Joey made them unique not only with his vocal style but the way he interacts with the audience.

You are right though. You can't base a great Thrash metal vocalist based on a Journey song. But what you can base a great Thrash metal vocalist on is:

Spreading The Disease
Among The Living
State of Euphoria
Persistence of Time
Attack of the Killer B's
Johnnie just told me that he wanted his thread on top again *gg*, the thread is important but the content is inconvenient.
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I've been a bit annoyed with the joey-john bull shit and all the people who keep instigating it as well. It's pretty much why I just lurk here nowadays (Along with the fact that nothing was really happening with Anthrax for quite some time!). But with all this, I gotta say... at least that 6er dude finally got banned. He was seriously getting on everybody's nerves, and was the main instigator of all that crap. People are still doing it now, but at least there's people who are just making it into a sarcastic joke or ignoring it all together.

For the record... I used to be a major Joey fan (not an annoying one though, I promise); now I'm not even a big Anthrax fan-- but I like both Joey and John equally for different reasons.
this important thread should always be on top! the content is insignificant.

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As far as nowadays Anthrax goes, I saw them at Czech Sonisphere and I was watching totally different band from what I had seen before. Joey's vocals were horribly off key and the band looked like they were not enjoying it at all. The energy and enthusiasm were all gone. Every review from the show in the press said Anthrax had been the biggest disappointment and unfortunately the weakest band on the bill, every fucking one.

from Blabbermouth:
"Media showered praise on the Belladonna-fronted ANTHRAX for the European "Big Four" festivals: "It's been almost two decades since [Belladonna] initially parted with ANTHRAX, but he proved to be in raw, primal and fine form," one European journalist wrote, while another noted, "ANTHRAX made their presence known with a raucous would never have known that they weren't the headliners."

"It's great to see so many people getting excited about us being together again," said Belladonna. "Even with just one day of rehearsal before the show in Poland, we played really well and really jelled together on stage. We had a great time in Europe, and are looking forward to seeing our U.S. fans this fall."