This is why I have lost faith in local TX music


Tits Tits Tits
Oct 30, 2010

These guys are from my hometown. And I fackin hate them. The singer is the biggest dick ever. They think they are all of a sudden "The" band in TX, and its just fucking lol-tastic. Their live shows consist of back tracked guitars and vocals, and they aren't just "effects". Sometime the singer forgets to lip sync to them too. It's just pitiful. Not to mention the horrible production on the songs and over-use of Slate and Podfarm, and autotune, and distortion on every single scream. What's even worse, is most of the bands here are starting to sound like them too thanks to his "studio" he has. Apparently the singer/producer, has a profile on here.

Sorry, I just had to get that out of me.
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Dude maybe you should reconsider and edit this so it's less personal ("I hope he sees this"). We've all felt that way about many people/bands/scenes before but this just comes off as sour grapes and not very classy. Clockwork makes great points as well.
I've always wondered what the next "fad" will be...
Like you said, I damn sure hope it aint near as bad as now
Who the fuck cares?

Care about YOUR band, not everyone else's. Do you think Wal-Mart gives a flying fuck about Target? NO, they don't. They may watch stats and learn from them, but as a general rule don't get your panties in a bunch because of someone else's 'success'. Is thier success making you money? If not, fuck em.

Too many local bands have an attitude that other bands are their competition. If they worked together to create a tight nit and honest 'scene' - everyone profits. But as soon as I get shit from anyone or they fail to be a useful resource, they are dead to me as far as the music business goes. I've never had to prove myself more than one time, so that means everyone gets one chance with me. If they blow it, I'm done.

I'm not saying don't work with other bands - networking is CRITICAL. I'm saying don't work with fucktards.

Promoting a youtube vid of a band you 'hate' is definitely not going to change anything for you. Only you have to power to take action and transform your world into what you want it to be. Get out there and meet like-minded people and work your fucking nuts off. That's the only way.
Don't care about 'em.
As the other guys mentioned it before...
Take your hate, transform it into pure "Stage-Aggression"/Passion, let the other band look like another cheap clone. = WIN.

Cheers, Markus.

P.S.: On the other hand...90% won't even recognize that they're using samples. It's hard, but I'm trying to train my girlfriends ears to recognize autotune in every second chart turn like into dislike :hotjump:
Reminds me of this "Tryin so hard to be the next 'Attack Attack'" (or sth like that) some weeks ago :)
Revson- Don't you mean Wings Of Abaddon? They are one of my fav bands here.
AllanD- GardenRidge/Selma/San Antonio