This is why I love my Sansamp PSA1

I just got the Tech21 (Sansamp) VT Bass pedal.

Check the vid here: (I'n not that gay guy....)

It sounds very good straight into the soundinterface.
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Based it on the svt setting (slightly tweaked), mixed with a band passed setting of a distorted tone (one of my own).
But individually through the distressor, and then combined through some more compression
I have one, too. Great for rock and very distorted stoner tones.
Definitely very very Ampeg sounding.
Can sometimes be a bit too soft sounding for metal, unless you crank the character.
Do you have one of the new ones with switchable cabsim?


No, the old one.
I'm planning on " going direkt into the soundboard" way.
The PSA1 seems to be doing also well.