This Is Your Brain on Music


Aug 30, 2001
When I was in Sedona this past weekend, some of us went to a book store called The Well Red Coyote (haha) and I noticed a particular book on the "Staff Recommendations" shelf. It's called "This Is Your Brain on Music." It's all about the science of music and how our brain interprets it, why certain songs from our childhoods hold such significance throughout our lives, how jingles get stuck in our heads so easily, and so on and so forth. I so far have only gotten through the intro and halfway into the second chapter, "Foot Tapping", but so far it's endlessly interesting. The author (Daniel Levitin) actually explains that if a tree falls in the forest, it really doesn't make a sound, because no sound technically exists unless it is heard by someone/something.

It's really good so far, and I think anyone that appreciates music will enjoy it. When I took it to the counter, the guy said "Great book here... you a musician?" When I said yes, he grinned big and goes "You're going to love this book!"

You can read the introduction on the website.
Cool, glad you're into it! Now I feel accomplished :D

I can't wait to finish it, but I have to finish the other book I'm reading first. The only reason I stumbled across this book was because I forgot my other book at home when I went on vacation, so I needed something to read on my flights.
I've been there like 4 times, but I'd never want to live there because as David said... there are a lot of... well.... extreme type people there. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely an advocate of positive energy and thought... but there can even be too much of that sometimes. Sedona is good for visiting and eventually leaving. It's really a beautiful place.