This makes me wanna kill people

Yeh that is pretty bad.

It isn't going to make me go vegan though, that's for sure.

For the record, I don't eat eggs. Only regular chicken. :lol:
Damn, I don't wanna go vegetarian but still, I totally agree with every post.

Animal abuse/cruelty/hatchery and stuff all make me wanna kill the concerned people.
The problem with this is that the easiest way is to turn veg, if everyone in the world would turn veg then this industry would stop. That is fucking cruel, those cute little chicks are basically beaten to death, many don't even die, they're just babies... And it's like this every single day. I eat meat, but there are better ways of treating animals, but the thing is with the alarming rate of overgrowing of the worlds population there's got to be an efficient way of feeding everyone... that's why this kind of shit shows up... I was veg for about 8 months straight, but then my mom one day cook a fucking awesome meal with meat and I took the bite :\ But this just makes me want to slaughter the fuck out of everyone involved in this kind of shit.
For the record, I don't eat eggs. Only regular chicken. :lol:

Neither do I, it is the only food I cannot eat. It is very nasty, perhaps it is a trauma when a was a child...:Puke:
What is an egg? if you think about it it is just the hen's menstruation.
Ovulation comes from "Ovo" (latin)=egg.

Human girls expel ovules in the period, don't they? Well, hens eject an egg, but it is the same except that human period is not in a format that we can cook boiled or fried.
To lighten up the mood.


Neither do I, it is the only food I cannot eat. It is very nasty, perhaps it is a trauma when a was a child...:Puke:
What is an egg? if you think about it it is just the hen's menstruation.
Ovulation comes from "Ovo" (latin)=egg.

Human girls expel ovules in the period, don't they? Well, hens eject an egg, but it is the same except that human period is not in a format that we can cook boiled or fried.

Although I don't eat eggs except for when it's used as an ingredient in something, I would like to say that you don't have to look at eggs as something disgusting just because it's hen's menstruation. It's lots of proteins and fat, look at it that way instead. Now, I'm not so sure if a human female's menstruation consists of protein and fat but... yeah, even if it did, it would be kinda disturbing to even begin thinking about eating that :)

As for the video... yes that is VERY sick and horrible and disturbing but I don't think it's any unusual. I think most of what we eat (animals/from animals) is produced in an unmoral way like that.

Boy am I glad I dont eat hot dogs and shit like that.... although.. I do eat hamburgers and I'm sure there's lots of weird shit in that too! Otherwise as for meat goes, chicken and fish is the shit! <3
Horrible...without words at the moment.

As Jevil said, sure there's better ways to treat them.

I remember when I was a child, in my father's hometown ( in Jevil's country), you could see chickens and cows on the praires...this world has turned into a mass production planet destroying machine.
If this stuff bothers you (and of course it does me), you can keep eating meat, just pay extra for the organic variety (Felix :D) and be sure it's from a well-respected company (best bet is your local health food store, if you can swallow your non-hippie pride :lol: ), cuz there's no real standard for what constitutes "organic". Personally, I have no problem with cows, pigs, chickens, etc. dying and ending up on my plate; hate to say it, but what other ultimate purpose do they really have in their lives? But I want them to be treated completely humanely while they're alive!
Well, what purpose do you have?
I would like to have some tasty roasted Marcusbutt on my plate tomorrow!
And don't worry, I'll kill you without making you suffer and treat you as humanly as possible before you die ;) I promise!

Oy, here comes the philosophical debate - there's a limit to how far I really want to pursue this because I usually stop caring soon after these start, but I feel that because humans are sentient and thus able to question why they do the things they do, they're capable of going far beyond their basic instincts of mate/feed/die (music, curing cancer, sheep-shearing contests, etc. :D). Leave a bunch of livestock to their own devices and they just stand around eating and occasionally procreating, so I don't exactly feel to heartbroken depriving them of the opportunity to keep doing that a little longer until they die of old age. Again, though, I don't want them to suffer while they're alive, but I also don't think there's much lost when they die! And lest you say "well would you be alright with a human dying if he/she would never accomplish something in their life", my response would be that a human always has the potential to do more, so the tragedy in murder IMO is depriving them of that chance.
Well, what purpose do you have?
I would like to have some tasty roasted Marcusbutt on my plate tomorrow!
And don't worry, I'll kill you without making you suffer and treat you as humanly as possible before you die ;) I promise!

I agree with you and disagree with Marcus :) I don't like to think of an animal's "purpose" in life is to end up on our plates. We just happen to use them for that, but it's disturbing to assume that's their purpose. What would you say your purpose in life is? If a lion killed one of your relatives, would you accept it and just go on with your life or would you track that lion down and beat the fuck out of it until it dies? After all... the lion probably thinks the same of you as you think of the cattle :)