I feel that because humans are sentient and thus able to question why they do the things they do, they're capable of going far beyond their basic instincts of mate/feed/die (music, curing cancer, sheep-shearing contests, etc.).
Oy, here comes the philosophical debate - there's a limit to how far I really want to pursue this because I usually stop caring soon after these start, but I feel that because humans are sentient and thus able to question why they do the things they do, they're capable of going far beyond their basic instincts of mate/feed/die (music, curing cancer, sheep-shearing contests, etc.). Leave a bunch of livestock to their own devices and they just stand around eating and occasionally procreating, so I don't exactly feel to heartbroken depriving them of the opportunity to keep doing that a little longer until they die of old age. Again, though, I don't want them to suffer while they're alive, but I also don't think there's much lost when they die! And lest you say "well would you be alright with a human dying if he/she would never accomplish something in their life", my response would be that a human always has the potential to do more, so the tragedy in murder IMO is depriving them of that chance.
That's how I feel, you feel differently, but I'd hope we could realize that it's unlikely one of us will change the other's mind.
and yes, humans > all other animals IMO
That's how I feel, you feel differently, but I'd hope we could realize that it's unlikely one of us will change the other's mind.
Besides, what does sentience gain us? We are still driven entirely by the primal instincts to eat, sleep, fuck, socialize, avoid dying and reproduce. Everything else is just filling in time. Just because at some point in the evolutionary process, the state of affairs favored us enough to way unbalance our position in the natural order doesn't make us any more inherently worthy of being alive. We have been cruising easy for a long time, and it's understandable that people in sheltered, western societies take this for granted and gain some sort of superiority complex. So few of us live in the real world anymore.
Fair enough. I just replied to you asking the question what purpose they would haveWe can (again) agree to disagree here
And for the record, I think I know you a bit better now![]()
I agree on insects and flies Marcus... even though I regard all life as equal, these fucking things are giving me such a hard time to commit to that motto. Just a few days ago, I got THREE of those flying bastards in my eyes. And today when I left my house... I IMMEDIATELY got a fly in my eye so I had to turn back and get infront of the mirror to pick it out and then squash it while swearing like a drunken russian.
Damn things... insects are the only things I can't stand in nature.
just pay extra for the organic variety (Felix )
That's fair - but vegetable lasagna kicks ass too![]()