This may sound pathetic, but...

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
...I´M BACK!!! :Spin:

Some of you guys know, I had a really uncreative and frustrating time. I didn´t record, write anything nor had any fun with making music since nearly a year. But passion (or call it obsession) came back like a thunder...which seems somewhat manic, but that´s just me, it seems ;) I don´t wanna write that much, I just wanna say Hello to all of you :wave: Linked with the hope, that the ones I had good contact with, have not forgotten me.

I have not forgotten YOUR words...I´ve shared my pain with you, as my longtime relationship broke and you guys helped me a lot. I certainly know, there are people who have problems which are more dramatic than mine. Nevertheless I don´t wish anyone a similar experience. And to all the people who have lost their beloved passion I can always comes back to ya!

I´m back into business. My lesson I've gained from the last years: "Nothing is as bad as that it not can be good for something else".

Peace :)

Felix Neumann
I can relate, man!

I've gone through similar stuff, and also had to deal with lack of inspiration for a long time, but now everything seems to get back on track and it feels great!
Best of luck in the coming days, and remember to pound down them riffz!
Hey Felix-nice to see you here again ;) you remember that song you did a solo on by me? It's the only song
I wrote that I still listen to pretty often, most of the time I switch to the solo and just listen to this :D
Wow guys, it´s great to read your kind comments!! :)

awesome dude!
so you know can lay down some sick licks and vocals on that one thrash song I wanted to do

Hahaha :D I will see what I can do, Marco. I remember that kick ass song!

Hey Felix-nice to see you here again you remember that song you did a solo on by me? It's the only song
I wrote that I still listen to pretty often, most of the time I switch to the solo and just listen to this

I´m glad you like my solo, dude! :kickass: Thanks for your words!

Shit dude, I actually started my morning today by listening to The World Has Moved On. Good to have you back, although I don't come here that often anymore. Keep me posted!

Awesome!! I recorded that song 2009 and you still listen to it? :) I feel honored, man. Thank you! What about Mammoth, anything new?
I'm happy for you Felix, I hope you'll never have to get through an uncreative period again. Looking forward to hearing new stuff from you.

Coincidentally, I was in a very similar situation too, and I finally had a breakthrough a couple of days ago and wrote a new song after 9 months. That doesn't necessarily mean that "I'm back", it may take as much time to write the next one, but at least I finally have enough material for a full album with my band. The only thing missing is writing lyrics for a couple of songs (which I fucking hate doing) and we can start recording.
Awesome!! I recorded that song 2009 and you still listen to it? :) I feel honored, man. Thank you! What about Mammoth, anything new?

Yeah man, I finally started reading The Dark Tower and that instantly came to my mind :D

Nah, nothing new. After hitting a really difficult dry phase with my business, dealing with a bunch of ridiculously difficult people and witnessing the strange change in attitudes towards our craft, I decided to call it a day (at least for now) and switch to a completely different job in the home security field. Haven't played any of my guitars in ages, and I actually struggle listening to any modern metal these days. I'm still considering picking up genuinely cool gigs if I got any spare time (and I've still got one test master to do), but working 10-14 hour days at my new job it's pretty impossible at the moment.

I'll probably get back to it some day, but for now I'm happy with actually making decent money and spending what little spare time I have with the people I love! :)
I'm happy for you Felix, I hope you'll never have to get through an uncreative period again. Looking forward to hearing new stuff from you.

Coincidentally, I was in a very similar situation too, and I finally had a breakthrough a couple of days ago and wrote a new song after 9 months. That doesn't necessarily mean that "I'm back", it may take as much time to write the next one, but at least I finally have enough material for a full album with my band. The only thing missing is writing lyrics for a couple of songs (which I fucking hate doing) and we can start recording.

Thank you, Kimon :kickass: I´m also glad for you, that you are able to write songs again. What steps have you taken to handle the problem?
First I simply don´t wanted to admit, that I´ve lost completely the fun and motivation. And beside Family or certain relationships, Music was my only salvation. So I started searching for completely new stuff. I really dived deep into philosophy and began to appreciate nature a lot more than I did before. I started doing workout, mountainbiking and I´ve lost more than 15 Kg in 1 year.

The certainty, that i´m back was easy to find out. The determination to create a kickass production was never greater. I found a new band (we also had first gigs) and I´m just working like a possessed asshole on our first song :Spin: You can be corious.

Welcome back ! Whatever the problem was in essence, glad to see the tables have turned !

^ and I'm honored to be sig'ed at the same time

Thank you very much, dude! :) The signature is just perfect, cause it combines something really funny & something spectacular and positive! :)
Thank you, Kimon :kickass: I´m also glad for you, that you are able to write songs again. What steps have you taken to handle the problem?
First I simply don´t wanted to admit, that I´ve lost completely the fun and motivation. And beside Family or certain relationships, Music was my only salvation. So I started searching for completely new stuff. I really dived deep into philosophy and began to appreciate nature a lot more than I did before. I started doing workout, mountainbiking and I´ve lost more than 15 Kg in 1 year.

The certainty, that i´m back was easy to find out. The determination to create a kickass production was never greater. I found a new band (we also had first gigs) and I´m just working like a possessed asshole on our first song :Spin: You can be corious.

Well, for me it's a little different, I lost motivation in general, not just on making music. In the end, though, music is the only thing I'm good at, and even though I'm certainly not 100% through this crisis, I thought I should at least make a final effort to complete this album that me and my band were working on for quite some time and see how it goes from there.
I understand you guys, Felix and Kerziog. There was a time that I also lost motivation in everything, failed relationships, anxiety problems, unemployment all that shit. Now I finished writing my third song for my EP. 3 songs in less than six months to me it´s great because I am lazy bastard!lol

Anyway, welcome back Felix. ;)
Thanks so much, guys! :kickass:

Haha my fretless bass odyssey...well, there are a lot of instruments & gear I wanna buy, but most important is finding a better place for recording. I´m seriously thinking about giving up my apartment & building my own studio, where I can live, as the dream, ya know? :)