This month's Sound On Sound...


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
... has an AWESOME Flemming Rasmussen interview about his time with Metallica during '...And Justice For All', specifically the track 'One'.

It certainly made me appreciate Lars' playing a lot more, especially compared to some modern metal productions where the drummer barely plays most of the actual performance! :lol: (an exaggeration, but I'm sure you've worked with some who do need an incredible amount of editing! I know I have.)

His kicks during the gallopy part were insanely tight and he did it all in one take. The only 'editing' that took place was on other parts, and even that was only in the interest of getting it 'machine tight' rather than it being due to any playing errors. They cut and re-joined the tape in the tiniest increments, so it was pretty much tight as could be. It took 3 days (just for 'One'!) to finish but by the time it was done it was like a computer-quantised piece.

Anyway, the article is really detailed and goes into every minor bit of the signal chain on all instruments! I never buy this mag, but I'm glad I picked up this issue. It was worth every penny just for that one article.

Also, FWIW: The bass sounded amazing, apparently :cry:
Yeah, SOS is audio BIBLE. Especially old articles on their site. Huge database, plenty of knowledge.

As for AJFA recording, I remember reading somewhere that Lars would record his parts in small sections, giving everything he's got, with as much force as possible, then he would rest, repeat, etc. That way they got what modern engineers try to get with samples - consistency, but played 'for real'. That's the way it should be done today too, but there's not enough budget and will for that nowadays.
Yeah man! Did it in sections to get the most out of it. Sounds incredible though. I just wish the guys who mixed it had used all the stuff Rasmussen had provided. The mix would/could have been the size of the Black Album. But in a way, it has its time and its place and does still suit the military precision of that album. The dryness in particular was something that became a trend within more techy styles of metal I guess.
SOS is my favorite magazine. Have been a subsciber for the past 5 years, well worth the price as the information is always top notch. Shame about the bass and like Flemming, I hope someday they release a remixed version of ".. and Justice for All" with the bass back in the mix.
Shame about the bass and like Flemming, I hope someday they release a remixed version of ".. and Justice for All" with the bass back in the mix.

maybe for the 25th anniversary? That would be pretty cool although they are known for not really doing that kind of thing ... kinda like "it is what it is"
People tend to bash on Lars Ulrichs drumplay although he have performed better on the Metallica albums then about 99% of all drummers that record today on a signed band.
Not many people can record a song on tape on a few takes..
People tend to bash on Lars Ulrichs drumplay although he have performed better on the Metallica albums then about 99% of all drummers that record today on a signed band.
Not many people can record a song on tape on a few takes..

Not to start a flame war, but I've heard from people who worked with Lars first hand that that is in fact not the case at all.

And you could edit drastically on tape if you wanted to. I'm not saying that the article is inaccurate, I'm just saying that regardless of what happened, he's never going to say that he had to edit LArs to death.....
Not to start a flame war, but I've heard from people who worked with Lars first hand that that is in fact not the case at all.

And you could edit drastically on tape if you wanted to. I'm not saying that the article is inaccurate, I'm just saying that regardless of what happened, he's never going to say that he had to edit LArs to death.....

Hehe yeah man :p Of course but of course there are tons of limitations editing tape vs PT BeatD. So there has to be some sort of perfomance in the beginning, that was what i meant :)
There's footage online of Metallica at Rock Am Ring a few years ago, couldn't believe how poor Lars' timing was, and how the band actually manage to keep tight with him I'll never know.

How can anyone criticize a founding member of the most successful heavy metal band ever!
Millions know him, love and buy his music.

He is probably the reason a lot of drummers got started. I certainly was influenced by him (im 36!:cry:).
I wish I could have had the success he has had no matter how good or bad anyone thinks he is.


How can anyone criticize a founding member of the most successful heavy metal band ever!
Millions know him, love and buy his music.

He is probably the reason a lot of drummers got started. I certainly was influenced by him (im 36!:cry:).
I wish I could have had the success he has had no matter how good or bad anyone thinks he is.


By this logic, McDonalds should be above criticism, too.
He is probably the reason a lot of drummers got started. I certainly was influenced by him (im 36!:cry:).
I wish I could have had the success he has had no matter how good or bad anyone thinks he is.


Tho he's not above criticism, which, sometimes, can even be constructive
Supposedly Rubin made Lars play full takes on DM.. but who knows how true that actually is.. If you listen closely to the hats on certain Black Album tracks you can hear his right hand following the kick drum every now and then..

ie: Kick on 1 and 3 plus the "&".. Hats go 1 , 2 , 3 &, 4

That kinda thing bugs me alot, seperate your limbs please :D

How can anyone criticize a founding member of the most successful heavy metal band ever!
Millions know him, love and buy his music.

He is probably the reason a lot of drummers got started. I certainly was influenced by him (im 36!:cry:).
I wish I could have had the success he has had no matter how good or bad anyone thinks he is.


Lol. Are you Lars Ulrich? Anyone can criticize anyone, no one is "above" criticism, least of all if you're world famous, someone's bound to poke at you

Supposedly Rubin made Lars play full takes on DM.. but who knows how true that actually is.. If you listen closely to the hats on certain Black Album tracks you can hear his right hand following the kick drum every now and then..

ie: Kick on 1 and 3 plus the "&".. Hats go 1 , 2 , 3 &, 4

That kinda thing bugs me alot, seperate your limbs please :D

I don't understand this :loco:
How dare you compare Metallica to Mcdonald`s!:puke:
(McDonald´s has saved many a musician on tour from starvation in a foreign country!)

He may not be the greatest drummer of all time but he is huge!
Those first 5 albums are landmarks! Music has moved on since them yes, but no matter how good or bad, the band pulled those albums off.
I have definitely moved on since the 80/90´s Metalica but I can appreciate what they did for the music that I like.

Mose people just criticize without realizing how much effort was put into a project and what compromises were made and what were the deadlines.

I would like to see anybody here pull off any Metalica album! And pull it off on tape!

How dare you compare Metallica to Mcdonald`s!:puke:
(McDonald´s has saved many a musician on tour from starvation in a foreign country!)

He may not be the greatest drummer of all time but he is huge!
Those first 5 albums are landmarks! Music has moved on since them yes, but no matter how good or bad, the band pulled those albums off.
I have definitely moved on since the 80/90´s Metalica but I can appreciate what they did for the music that I like.

Mose people just criticize without realizing how much effort was put into a project and what compromises were made and what were the deadlines.

I would like to see anybody here pull off any Metalica album! And pull it off on tape!


Oh shut it. Lars is/was a crappy drummer, just like Ringo. Regardless of how big the band the person is, if they're a crappy musician, then they're a crappy musician.

Are you going to tell me I can't rag on Britney Spears because she's big and famous and puts effort into things and makes compromises and meets deadlines?

Are you going to tell me that I can't say Kirk Hammett only plays shitty pentatonic licks covered in wah and has vibrato that sounds like a bee hive because he played on some big albums?

Get over yourself.