Santa Hat Forever
Count out a 4/4 beat in your head.
The hit on the 'and' of "THREE and" should be just kick, not hat + kick.
Now I get it. Thank you

How dare you compare Metallica to Mcdonald`s!uke:
(McDonald´s has saved many a musician on tour from starvation in a foreign country!)
He may not be the greatest drummer of all time but he is huge!
Those first 5 albums are landmarks! Music has moved on since them yes, but no matter how good or bad, the band pulled those albums off.
I have definitely moved on since the 80/90´s Metalica but I can appreciate what they did for the music that I like.
Mose people just criticize without realizing how much effort was put into a project and what compromises were made and what were the deadlines.
I would like to see anybody here pull off any Metalica album! And pull it off on tape!
Yeah, cool. Still not immune to being criticized