Lamb of God show last night....another un-tight performance by Chris

yeah I've seen lamb of god 4 times over the last 5 years or so and they ALL have steadily decreased in musicianship. Is anyone really surprised though? Have you watched any of the Behind The Scenes dvd's they have? Whenever chris is actually playing the kit just raw it's always super sloppy.
It is a sign of the times. Producers and drummers tracking drums that are too perfect and hard to pull off without multiple takes and lots of tweakage.

I got SLAMMED for my opinion in the Testament thread where the opposite was true, where talented drummers nuances are being lost so the best drummers sound like everyone else, and the worst sound like everyone else.

On purpose I changed from thrash, to industrial thrash because fake "realistic" drums would not sit well with me and grated on me over time. At least if I go the industrial route I won't be fooling anyone as they are supposed to be mechanical.

I think the keeping it tru ethos has to be the future. Then great drummers like Nevermore etc will rise to the top, and the fakers can suck it.
I saw them awhile back on, I think, the ashes of the wake tour. Although they played pretty tight, they were playing everything 15-20 bpm slower than the originals as if they got super baked before they played. It was really annoying until I got too drunk to care.
Sucks to hear about LoG.
As for BTBAM, AFAIK those guys play to a click on stage through their in ear monitoring and if you did that every night of a tour you'd be as tight as a virgin mouse.
For me, unfortunately a lot of metal bands are proving the point I'd rather go to see a band play simpler music that's tight as shit, than see bands that constantly try to play stuff above their level each night and failing.
Not to come out of nowhere or anything, but if you want to see a band play tight live, go see Iced Earth. If they're not your thing, that's cool, but it was crazy how solid those guys are live. Megadeth as well. I've seen them around 10 times and I've never seen them do anything but kill it.

Anyway, not trying to hijack the thread. Just seeing talk of tight shows brought those to mind.
I saw them once when they were on gigantour. They were too loud and the guitar tone was way too piercing.

+1 I saw them on the Gigantour and I thought the exact same thing.

Regarding Chris not being tight on the kicks, it could be a trigger problem. My drummer's triggers started to fuck up in our first song of a show we played with Sonata Arctica so it was kind of embarassing. But for half the set one trigger wasn't..."triggering" lol. It's probably unlikely this happened to Chris, but it is possible for them to get fucked up.
I've seen them 4 times, starting with the unholy alliance tour they did with Slayer, and most recently on the Wrath tour. The drumming, as well as guitar playing has varied fairly significantly IMO. The tightest I've seen them was in Toronto w/ Hatebreed and Behemoth a couple years ago.
I've never seen any band live so I wouldn't be able to give you an opinion on their newest performance, I do know though that they did a great job on Laid to rest live maybe you're right though it seems editing and programming has taken its toll on them.
I recall reading somewhere that Chris switched from Axis pedals to DW pedals (I think it was DW, not positive). I thought that was really strange when I read it and wonder if it's related to his kick drum 'issues'.

They've always been spot on when I've seen them. Several years ago now though.
I recall reading somewhere that Chris switched from Axis pedals to DW pedals (I think it was DW, not positive). I thought that was really strange when I read it and wonder if it's related to his kick drum 'issues'.

They've always been spot on when I've seen them. Several years ago now though.
Trick pedals i do believe.
I saw them awhile back on, I think, the ashes of the wake tour. Although they played pretty tight, they were playing everything 15-20 bpm slower than the originals as if they got super baked before they played. It was really annoying until I got too drunk to care.

Yeah, there definitely was some baking going on when I was hanging out in guitar world for their last show in Columbus, there was a bowl packed and sitting on the amp rack and the bassist and stage right guitar player would come over and hit it during song breaks.

I know this is late but: or maybe the guy was really wasted? What's wrong with a little partying on the road?

Nothing, but when it affects your performance that people are paying good money to see (which is technically his job) I think people usually get fired for shit like that at a normal job