This month's Sound On Sound...

When I saw them in '03 they opened with Blackened, and it was tight as holy goddam fuck. The debate over whether he's a good drummer or not could go on forever, as he's clearly hit and miss (no pun intended), but I have respect for him as a player of his time.

There are kids 15, 16 years old now who learned to play by learning his stuff, and have subsequently surpassed him as a player almost immediately :lol: But, then again, when Metallica were up and coming there was none of this techy bullshit toss that's saturating the scene these days, where every cunt treats their instrument like it's a piece of sporting equipment. Lay off the blast beats and double kicks in 520/17 please kids, I wanna hear an actual song, not your practice regime...
Lars is obviously sloppy and his hand/foot coordination sucks ...but I don't see Metallica in any other way.
I dare anyone to find a bad performance of him Pre black album.

Sorry, but you obviously haven't heard any bootlegs of theirs. They would prove you to be wrong. Below is a clip w/ Frayed End... and Last Caress. While the former is rather well played, most of the rolls in Last Caress are so screwed up it really hurts.

But still, it's stupid to deny Lars's influence on the genre and thousands of drummers. Like wise it's stupid to treat him like a god.

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If you want ear clearly the real bass sound of AJFA watch (and ear) this :

and enjoy :popcorn:
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Jason Newsted is a really really good basplayer. I heard the Dyers Eve bass recording and it was smokin :)

Btw.. take a listen to all the songs on AJFA with enhanced bass. Thats awesome bass playing right there :)
I just saw that video from 2008 and I though it was awesome. Sure the tempo was sloppy but the energy of the performance is incredible.
Oh shut it. Lars is/was a crappy drummer, just like Ringo. Regardless of how big the band the person is, if they're a crappy musician, then they're a crappy musician.

Are you going to tell me I can't rag on Britney Spears because she's big and famous and puts effort into things and makes compromises and meets deadlines?

Are you going to tell me that I can't say Kirk Hammett only plays shitty pentatonic licks covered in wah and has vibrato that sounds like a bee hive because he played on some big albums?

Get over yourself.

+1. I've always hated Lars' drumming, as well as Kirk's guitar playing.
I've always thought as far as technical musicians go, Lars and Kirk aren't that great. But at the same time (at least up til the year 2000) that they WROTE some great stuff. Kirk has got some very memorable solos from 84-91, even if he did start to use the same old pentatonic licks again and again, and has toilet vibrato. And Lars knows how to arrange a song, and play drum patterns that work for the song.

But regardless, the riffs and guitar tone on AJFA fucking slay.