When I saw them in '03 they opened with Blackened, and it was tight as holy goddam fuck. The debate over whether he's a good drummer or not could go on forever, as he's clearly hit and miss (no pun intended), but I have respect for him as a player of his time.
There are kids 15, 16 years old now who learned to play by learning his stuff, and have subsequently surpassed him as a player almost immediately
But, then again, when Metallica were up and coming there was none of this techy bullshit toss that's saturating the scene these days, where every cunt treats their instrument like it's a piece of sporting equipment. Lay off the blast beats and double kicks in 520/17 please kids, I wanna hear an actual song, not your practice regime...
There are kids 15, 16 years old now who learned to play by learning his stuff, and have subsequently surpassed him as a player almost immediately