this really grinds my gears (feminists read at your own risk)


New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2006
ok three things that piss me off:

1) guys must register for selective service. women don't.

2) women's insurance rates aren't as high as guys'

3) a lot of clubs have weird, sexist entrance policies, like 18+ for women but 21+ for men.

beyond gay....discuss
Black Core said:
the last one is because ppl are always saying that girls are mentally 3 years ahead of men

No, they just don't want the party to be a sausage fest. :lol: Also, dudes buying 18 year old girls drinks = Club making money.

But yeah, I've heard people say that one. That's crap ... Oh look Tom and Jerry is on.
haHa well for the insurance its cuz they r less responisble and u always see em checkin almost every girl on the street and in cars while drivbeing not very good drivin :p imo plus they seem to be usually the Ones that drink and drive for what i know of ANYWAys NOT NESICARLY HOWQ IT IS THOUE bUT IS JUST my oppinon
Perpetual Catatonia said:
No, they just don't want the party to be a sausage fest. :lol: Also, dudes buying 18 year old girls drinks = Club making money.

But yeah, I've heard people say that one. That's crap ... Oh look Tom and Jerry is on.

why would dudes do something that is illegal? the money they're making is tainted.
ohiogrinder said:
ok three things that piss me off:

1) guys must register for selective service. women don't.

2) women's insurance rates aren't as high as guys'

3) a lot of clubs have weird, sexist entrance policies, like 18+ for women but 21+ for men.

beyond gay....discuss

Don't know what selective service is, but the other two are generalisations more than they are sexist. Insurance companies know via their statistics that male drivers are a higher risk than females, and they don't want to lose money, yes it is a generalisation, but it is a generalisation based on underlying facts. Clubs let in younger women because it is better for their business for the reasons already stated, not because they have anything against men per se.

This being said, I am not a fan of a lot of feminist bullshit where women are given rights without responsibility, or are given advantages so that they can be equal to men... because we are not fucking equal we are different. Women need to realise and accept their strengths, weaknesses and differences rather than try feel bitter about it.
Another is that a woman can go to the police saying someone (or should I say some"guy") has beat her and they'll go and haul the guy off without any background check or anything on anybody. It has to be settled in court and all the woman has to say is "yes he did" and the guy gets charged.
What pissess me off most though is women always try to rally each other and say "we're just as good as men" but then they expect all these benefits that men don't have.
ohiogrinder said:
ok three things that piss me off:

1) guys must register for selective service. women don't.

2) women's insurance rates aren't as high as guys'

3) a lot of clubs have weird, sexist entrance policies, like 18+ for women but 21+ for men.

beyond gay....discuss
these 3 things seriously piss me off too
i'll respond to the other posts in this thread at some point in the near future

Black Core said:
girls are mentally 3 years ahead of men

Perpetual Catatonia said:
dudes buying 18 year old girls drinks = Club making money.
sole reason why any club lets the females in younger than the males

ohiogrinder said:
why would dudes do something that is illegal?
a person over the legal drinking age buying a drink for someone under the legal drinking age is still a misdemenor [instead of a felony] if the younger person is over the age of sexual consent

LightningLixxx said:
Another is that a woman can go to the police saying someone (or should I say some"guy") has beat her and they'll go and haul the guy off without any background check or anything on anybody. It has to be settled in court and all the woman has to say is "yes he did" and the guy gets charged.
What pissess me off most though is women always try to rally each other and say "we're just as good as men" but then they expect all these benefits that men don't have.
same thing happens if a female says a male sexually assaults her
there are 7 seperate guys that are currently in Texas prison for supposedly "raping" the exact same woman, and i know it's all bullshit because i know the woman and she laughs every time she talks about how she got guys she was pissed off at arrested for shit that she admits to me never actually happened

Perpetual Catatonia said:
I don't think that getting a chick drunk and taking her home is illegal.
if a sober person has sex with an intoxicated person, then the sober person has committed a form of "statutory rape" in Texas [but i don't think this law exists in other states]

ohiogrinder said:
underage consumption?
still a midomenor if you're over the age of sexual consent
ohiogrinder said:
ok three things that piss me off:

1) guys must register for selective service. women don't.

2) women's insurance rates aren't as high as guys'

3) a lot of clubs have weird, sexist entrance policies, like 18+ for women but 21+ for men.

beyond gay....discuss
first one I don't know why

second one, it's because guys think their car is a race car or something and drive fast and some drunk while most girl don't.

third is only because 18 years old chicks bring a lot of men to club, if there's no chicks in your bar/club you won't get any dude.
Tongue_Ring said:
same thing happens if a female says a male sexually assaults her
there are 7 seperate guys that are currently in Texas prison for supposedly "raping" the exact same woman, and i know it's all bullshit because i know the woman and she laughs every time she talks about how she got guys she was pissed off at arrested for shit that she admits to me never actually happened

Thanks for that stirring anecdotal evidence I will counter with this.

I know a woman who said she got raped and she did. Whatever will we do in this battle of anecdotal evidence?

Yes, it is terrible that the police choose to believe a *gasp* woman who says she has been raped or beaten.

Rape is a serious crime as is any form of assault and I am fucking glad that the police believe the victim because in most cases they are telling the truth.

And to the original poster poor diddums, want someone to blame about insurance blame the fuckwits men who crash their cars.

It is like white people who complain about all the "good deals" blacks get, if women have it so easy become one with surgery and quit bitching about it. I will stay a white man thanks... I enjoy the benefits of being one.

I believe that people should be treated as people, but come on... is this what dudes have to complain about ahahaha ok man... it is harsh on us men ahahaah with our higher insurance and not getting into bars and shit. What the fuck are women complaining about when such harshness falls onto us?

Maybe you should form an emo band and sing about the harshness of higher insurance :( said:
In the US, a woman is raped every 6 minutes; a woman is battered every 15 seconds. In North Africa, 6,000 women are genitally mutilated each day. This year, more than 15,000 women will be sold into sexual slavery in China. 200 women in Bangladesh will be horribly disfigured when their spurned husbands or suitors burn them with acid. More than 7,000 women in India will be murdered by their families and in-laws in disputes over dowries. Violence against women is rooted in a global culture of discrimination which denies women equal rights with men and which legitimizes the appropriation of women's bodies for individual gratification or political ends. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. (Broken Bodies, Shattered Minds: Torture and Ill Treatment of Women, Amnesty International, 2001)


Fuck up bitches... we are paying more on insurance WHERE IS AMNESTY IN THIS
ohiogrinder said:
ok three things that piss me off:

1) guys must register for selective service. women don't.

2) women's insurance rates aren't as high as guys'

3) a lot of clubs have weird, sexist entrance policies, like 18+ for women but 21+ for men.

beyond gay....discuss

also, if a woman aids in the murder of her fetus with a man, she gets a slap on the wrist whilst he becomes hanks bitch in folsom state :mad:
Oh we are making a list of stupid things to be annoyed about ok.

5) women smell nicer... HOW FUCKING SEXIST IS THAT.

6) DNA- yeah those feminazi scientists are at it again. now there is just more ways to prove that rape happened