this really grinds my gears (feminists read at your own risk)

wow I feel pretty offended at some of the responses I have read here:erk: I don't feel offended at the thread at all, that's not what I'm talking about.

The guy that said women need to realize we aren't equal, we are different...what's that supposed to mean? we ARE different, but equal. men need women, and women need men. because men and women both have what the other we are different in that sense but equal also as one is not more important than the other.

Ok hold on right there. Neither one needs the other. If you NEED someone, you're fucking pathetic. We need each other to procreate, and that's about it. In fact, I'd say women need men more than men need women. Aside from companionship and procreation, women serve no purpose for men. If a man can't do the same things women can do, he's a pathetic loser.

I know it sounds extremely sexist, but I'm not being sexist. Tell me one thing that a woman can do that a man can't do or can't learn to do that doesn't have to do with sexuality or companionship? If you want to be sexist about it and bring the old-school cooking and cleaning argument into it, I've been cooking and cleaning by myself since I was 5 because my mother and father taught me how to take care of myself. In fact, my father taught me more about washing clothes, dishes, cleaning the house, cooking, and many of the stereotypical "feminine duties" in a household.

The fact of the matter is that there is a glass ceiling, this is true. But you know what? Stop complaining about it. If you want to take the man's place in the world, go ahead. I'm all for equality between women and men, and that includes all the shitty things that go with it. When I was in the military, why did the men have to do X many pushups, situps, and running when the women had a much lower number or higher time limit? Physical's biology and no fem nazi is going to change that. I was ok with it as was everyone else because we realize that women aren't physically equal to men in the majority of situations. There are some situations where women are much more able than men, but those are few and far between.

I for one would LOVE to see a draft in the US...and not only a draft, but an EQUAL draft for men AND women. Israel does it...why can't we? Are you telling me Israeli girls are stronger than American girls? No. It's just politics because no one wants to offend the sensibilities of Mom and Dad in the US. For some reason it's ok to send your men off to war, but not the women. 50 years ago I would have agreed, but now I don't. If we're supposed to have truly equal rights in the US, then goddammit I want equal rights for everyone, regardless of sex, race, or creed.
Dead Winter, I see your point.

well...I can't really think of anything that a woman can do that a man can't...but I was speaking from my perspective of the Bible cause I'm Christian and I can't just put my beliefs aside.
But..putting them aside, I would probably be on the same point as you.

I actually don't get this at all. Women want to be equal to men, but they don't want the cons of it. so what I'm saying is that, women only want to be seen as no lesser than men..back in the day, all they wanted was the right to vote like them...the right to get the same education, the right to be able to walk out the door without being "owned" by a man, the right to leave her husband if she wanted...that's all.

the thing about war, well I sure don't want to go fight in war so I can't say I'm not happy that I don't have to.
Women had a lower number cause people think of them as softer. But really, I think women can do the same amount of pushups and etc in the same time limit as men if they tried. It would be harder for them probably, but they could do it. lol an equal draft? well...I don't know why there isn't an equal draft. I guess because someone has to stay home and take care of the kids and by nature...that is the mother so they shouldn't be drafted.
if that makes sense... it's the same thing with divorce and kids. Women are usually the ones who end up with the house, money and kids because by nature they are the caregiver I guess...
but this time my parents recently divorced and my dad gets the house, and the kids (me and my sister). yeah I'm a kid. haha but it was really hard to get it this way cause people only think of the woman as the mother and the one who must stay home and take care of everything, not the men. women wanted to break that mindset and say that they CAN be something different, at least that's where I'm getting at. They just want to know they have the right to change if they ever wanted to. I understand what you're saying though. The only thing I can get at is that women can't be drafted cause they have to stay home for the kids. women that don't have families and whatnot I really don't know...people are still in the mindset that women shouldn't fight and that their place is home. that's just the way people think. almost every human being was taught this, so it's kind of hard to get rid of it when you're older. I don't think you should draft the women. why? I DON'T KNOW. it's just in my head cause it's how I grew up...I still need a plausible reason for why you would draft the women and why you WOULDN'T.

*sigh* I probably don't make any sense :erk:
I remember seeing a story on World News - think it was last year sometime - about a "problem hundreds of men are facing in the US" or something to that effect. It entailed a man married to his wife with two young daughters, and how the man finds out his wife had cheated on him years ago and his children were not biologically his own. The report went on over details of various conflict, and briefly touched on how the divorce court was attempting to make him pay child support...

Wait a minute, what?

Here is a man who had lived happily with who he believed to be his significant other. He spent years raising children who he thought were his own. His wife had gone out and fucked someone else, gotten knocked up and decided not to tell him about it and live under the lie for years, so he RIGHTFULLY decides to divorce her. Now the court wants him to pay a notable monthly fee for HER mistake? For something that is HER fault?!

The younger generations of women are growing up to get (or made to think they can get) whatever they want in a relationship or beyond; and the younger generations of men are learning to care about less and less about women because of it. Case in point: Original Poster's argument about how women can get into clubs at an earlier age than men, where said man pays his money for all of her drinks, goes home and fucks her.
I remember seeing a story on World News - think it was last year sometime - about a "problem hundreds of men are facing in the US" or something to that effect. It entailed a man married to his wife with two young daughters, and how the man finds out his wife had cheated on him years ago and his children were not biologically his own. The report went on over details of various conflict, and briefly touched on how the divorce court was attempting to make him pay child support...

oh dude, that's jacked up. How could they make him pay for child support? I don't know everything about the law...but it sucks for him. but if you think about it, it kind of makes sense.
If you are married to a woman, and she already has a child, that child then becomes your stepchild. So your married for a couple years you help raise the child too....then you decide to divorce her. well that child was also rightfully yours so you have to pay child support I believe. it may not have been by blood/relation your child...but you claimed it as yours too when you married the woman cause you share everything in the marriage legally I think. none of it is all one person's. Like a house, it may have been the man that paid for it all but it's still half the woman's cause she's your spouse. I learned this cause my parents divorced last year :erk: but my point...the guy didn't know the child wasn't his....but he still took it as his own child without knowing they weren't his, which sucks for him real bad. but by law it's still right he must pay child support :rolleyes: it's just the way it is. He had a unfortunate mishap set upon him....but it's still by law he gots to pay for it. so it isn't exactly the law that's jacked's life.
[...]but it sucks for him. but if you think about it, it kind of makes sense.If you are married to a woman, and she already has a child, that child then becomes your stepchild[...]but he still took it as his own child without knowing they weren't his, which sucks for him real bad. but by law it's still right he must pay child support

Wrong. She didn't have any children when they first married. She got pregnant with her first child when they were together, meaning she cheated on him while they were together and lied to him about it, claiming "We're having a baby!". How does that at all justify him paying child support?
yeah I know Travis. I didn't say it's justified because she was being a douchebag.
well I really don't know. If I knew more about the law I could probably say something more.
So say he DID know it wasn't his when she said she was having baby, then he immediately divorced her...would he still be forced to pay child support?
and what if he divorced her before she even told him, does he still have to pay? probably not.

but for the first question...I don't know. Morally it just seems so wrong to make the man pay for the child that isn't his and he didn't know about it...but he had been with the woman and the children a while then he divorced her, it's just correct by law that he has to pay. It just's not justified however, but they were technically his children, like stepchildren but he thought they were his real that makes no sense. I don't know :erk:

Just ignore me :)
^ done and done

technically if he proves by dna tests that those children arent his i believe he wouldnt have to pay... because the children arnt his and its proven so... therefore he had all right to divorce her and everything since she broke one of the rules in the marriage contract they both signed
Dead Winter, I see your point.

well...I can't really think of anything that a woman can do that a man can't...but I was speaking from my perspective of the Bible cause I'm Christian and I can't just put my beliefs aside.
But..putting them aside, I would probably be on the same point as you.

I actually don't get this at all. Women want to be equal to men, but they don't want the cons of it. so what I'm saying is that, women only want to be seen as no lesser than men..back in the day, all they wanted was the right to vote like them...the right to get the same education, the right to be able to walk out the door without being "owned" by a man, the right to leave her husband if she wanted...that's all.

the thing about war, well I sure don't want to go fight in war so I can't say I'm not happy that I don't have to.
Women had a lower number cause people think of them as softer. But really, I think women can do the same amount of pushups and etc in the same time limit as men if they tried. It would be harder for them probably, but they could do it. lol an equal draft? well...I don't know why there isn't an equal draft. I guess because someone has to stay home and take care of the kids and by nature...that is the mother so they shouldn't be drafted.
if that makes sense... it's the same thing with divorce and kids. Women are usually the ones who end up with the house, money and kids because by nature they are the caregiver I guess...
but this time my parents recently divorced and my dad gets the house, and the kids (me and my sister). yeah I'm a kid. haha but it was really hard to get it this way cause people only think of the woman as the mother and the one who must stay home and take care of everything, not the men. women wanted to break that mindset and say that they CAN be something different, at least that's where I'm getting at. They just want to know they have the right to change if they ever wanted to. I understand what you're saying though. The only thing I can get at is that women can't be drafted cause they have to stay home for the kids. women that don't have families and whatnot I really don't know...people are still in the mindset that women shouldn't fight and that their place is home. that's just the way people think. almost every human being was taught this, so it's kind of hard to get rid of it when you're older. I don't think you should draft the women. why? I DON'T KNOW. it's just in my head cause it's how I grew up...I still need a plausible reason for why you would draft the women and why you WOULDN'T.

*sigh* I probably don't make any sense :erk:

You make perfect sense. I just misinterpreted your previous post.
The laws for a divorce and how they are usually applied changes drastically from one country to another. It's a lot less of an issue in europe for example, the woman doesnt automatically get the house for example or the kids.

I dont see much of that feminist crap around either.. but for what it's worth, in the US or europe, women get paid 20-25% less at the same age with the same qualification. So.. unles that's evened out, they have quite a good reason to be bitching
right I'm a virgin and I'd just like someone to tell me, does it kind of get fed right to the very spot or do I have to do anything complicated?

according to cosmo
a great many women simply cannot have an orgasm while there is a penis inside them, for these women, to get them to cum, you'll have to suck their clit, massage the G-Spot with curled fingertips, or in some women it has to do with massaging pressure points that are nowhere near the genital area, my advice to you is to try to make the girl cum BEFORE you even pull your dick out of your pants, and definately DO NOT loose your virginity to another virgin, it will be the most awkward experience of your entire life, having sex is something that needs to be taught, go loose your virginity with a cougar
This is why I hate most other women.

Feminism pisses me off. I don't get why women get so offended by "you should be at home barefoot and pregnant". Damn, I would LOVE not to have to go to work and stay at home all comfy in my pajamas and barefeet. Wouldn't mind being pregnant, either.
This is why I hate most other women.

Feminism pisses me off. I don't get why women get so offended by "you should be at home barefoot and pregnant". Damn, I would LOVE not to have to go to work and stay at home all comfy in my pajamas and barefeet. Wouldn't mind being pregnant, either.

female who hates feminism