This S--t is not OK.


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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This happened at UC Berkley today.

You can read more about it here.

Police brutality is starting to get worse against protesters. I am always the one to give the police the benefit of the doubt, but here we have 2 videos clearly showing unprovoked horrendous attacks against peaceful, if maybe not stubborn, protesters. Between this and the middle of the night raids and air space restrictions to clear out OWS NYC? I don't fucking understand what's happening to america.

Predict riots if this keeps up.
We could use a few dozen good riots, provided the OWS's involved are the informed ones and not made up of all the hippies riding on the coattails who think a Bilderburg is a kind of german sausage.
It's not okay to pepper spray people who are sitting down with linked arms, and therefore of no threat to the police officer.
I understand retaliation is awful, but seeing shit like this makes my blood boil, and I can't believe the cops were not rushed and beaten down by the mob. I'm glad they didn't, because UC Davis' facebook wall has been HAMMERED all weekend with angry people, and I can only imagine the non-public reaction we DON'T see.

‎"I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors. The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere." (Barack Obama, 28 January 2011)
I am backing the Cops. I am sick of these guys sitting around blocking sidewalks and stuff around my area. The real people who are fighting and trying to make changes are not sitting around holding signs that no one is reading. What drives me nuts is the 90% of these protesters who are there just because they want to be part of something and have an excuse at doing nothing in thier lives. When people say they hate thier job for a week and see all the losers and scumbags they deal with on a hourly basis....then come back and say something.
IMHO the real 1% are those fighting for our freedoms over in Afganistan and other places around the world. These "occupy" folks should walk in their shoes for a day and see what it's really like.

I totally agree....these kids out there protesting have really no clue what they are protesting. Most just want to be a part of something so they can facebook and bog it and impress thier hip freinds on how cool they are. Like Dave said....the people making a difference are fighting for our freedom or working within the system to make change.
IMHO the real 1% are those fighting for our freedoms over in Afganistan and other places around the world. These "occupy" folks should walk in their shoes for a day and see what it's really like.

No I don't think so.

Those people are just as shitty as the police officers, if not worse. Let's stop unanimously praising the troops just because they are troops ok? K.
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When people say they hate thier job for a week and see all the losers and scumbags they deal with on a hourly basis....then come back and say something.

I'm not going to get into a debate on the merits of OWS, but I will say, if I was in the shoes of a common police officer for one week, I'd be one week fatter, lazier, greedier, and scummier. In no other spectrum of our society are people allowed to get away the same atrocities scot free as police officers. Not even politicians. My main man Maddox puts it perfectly:
You guys are missing the point here, I think. The issue isn't whether or not the protesters are legit/valid/whatever. It's the obviously non-violent/non-threatening folks getting pepper-sprayed while SITTING ON THE GROUND. It's the violation of their basic rights. This slippery slope can only end badly, I'm afraid.
You guys are missing the point here, I think. The issue isn't whether or not the protesters are legit/valid/whatever. It's the obviously non-violent/non-threatening folks getting pepper-sprayed while SITTING ON THE GROUND. It's the violation of their basic rights. This slippery slope can only end badly, I'm afraid.

No, no, no we're missing the point. They disagree with the protesters, so the protesters deserved to be tazed/severely beaten/etc. We dun' goofed!:goggly:
IMHO the real 1% are those fighting for our freedoms over in Afganistan and other places around the world. These "occupy" folks should walk in their shoes for a day and see what it's really like.

I've seen a few people make this argument and I honestly don't get how the two are remotely related. What does the military have to do with this?
they are blocking public property...

Nope. That's not even a felony. They have a legal right to protest. Not to mention, if these protests are occuring on campus, it's not public property... Protip: actually know what you're talking about before spouting nonsense (I guess since it's coming from you it's pointless to even say this). By your same logic, the Tea Partiers were "blocking public property" during their protests. U2 holding a surprise concert in Central Park is "blocking public property" too I suppose right? Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass because you disagree with this specific movement, so you feel they deserve what came to them simply on (surprise surprise, this is Diabolik here) your opinion?

Honestly, if you think that the proper retaliation for "blocking public property" is being severely beaten, then I don't even know what to tell you, but that's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.
I've seen a few people make this argument and I honestly don't get how the two are remotely related. What does the military have to do with this?

It makes no sense to me. I thought the military was supposed to be protecting "our freedoms," like you know, the right to free speech (protest)?
ANyone who gets in my way anywhere is blocking public property in my case. I hate when these goofy ass kids think they are making change when in fact they are really not doing anything other than doing something to blog about or twitter about. If you were to ask any of them what they are really standing behind they wouldnt be able to tell you. I wonder how many of those kids out there are getting thier rich parents to pay for thier college??? hhhmmmm.
ANyone who gets in my way anywhere is blocking public property in my case.

I'm going to follow you everywhere, and the absolute MOMENT you stop moving I'm going to mow you down with a relentless hosing of MACE, then beat you with a baton for obstructing public property. Because this, apparently, is how America works.

I hate when these goofy ass kids think they are making change when in fact they are really not doing anything other than doing something to blog about or twitter about.

Just like Egypt. Silly kids, thinking they could change anything with Twitter.

Seriously, D, just disconnect the communications and go back to being old.