This Sacrament Solo (?)


New Metal Member
May 21, 2007
In the solo (CD recording) 3:14-3:22 I can't make out the low pitch distorted notes. Recently I did sit down and see that like everything else Loomis does its a diminished piece, and I'll prob finish today but if someone with very experienced ear training could post what they got out of the whole solo, or a verified transcription so I can double check what I've got down.

I would much appreciate it. & if you're feeling Very generous that little diddle at the end of the solo when live at Wacken '04 on youtube.

           (first end)                (second end)

3rd end (staccato riff)

second half of the solo (legato feel)






Hahahaha Will, you tight bastard. I see what you did there.

EDIT: Good thing I worked out that section by ear, heh.
You trying to dupe me? Well, either way, the exact ascending diminished 7th run your man there asked for has been completely omitted from the tab you posted.
:lol: i didn't even check it. that's pretty funny, actually

yeah thanks, I feel marginally insulted tht you think I can't search google myself. That diminished run is what I need, so to the dude who said he did that by ear, I'm trying bu could YOU post what you got?
yeah thanks, I feel marginally insulted tht you think I can't search google myself.

I feel marginally insulted that you think you're smarter than most of the new people that come in here asking questions that can EASILY be answered by the search option. I'm not saying that the solo section that you want HAS been posted previously, I'm just saying that we all have low expectations for new people. Don't take any offense in that. You shouldn't, really! Buuuut because you feel marginally insulted by me ATTEMPTING to help you without you at least thanking me for taking the time to ATTEMPT to answer your question, go fuck yourself.
Lol. A smart lot we have here. I won't thank you for your wasted 10 seconds because I stated specifically the time and section I meant, presuming anyone who's learned the song would know that this part is omitted in any tab anywhere. If I hadn't thought I was smarted than you from the start, I positivity do now. So if anyone who actually does have two shits worth of brains & learned this solo or has a good ear is willing to lend it, please feel free to do so.

btw, you hate alexi?