This Sacrament Solo (?)

Why don't you call me if you ever need a guitar lesson. You might as well shut the fuck up already because everyone under the sun has owned you. You're looking fucking stupid.

If you can "play the whole song effortlessly" then get yourself a fucking tape recorder, slow the song down. If you slow the tape down to match your slowness at wit, you'd be somewhere else by now.
Why are you in a metal forum?
Everyman to himself but (good) metal has its roots in classical music and training.
Safe to say you've never taken a music theory class or don't know a damn thing about music at all. Or perhaps what you deem metal is the shit they spam on MTV or only that which gets propagated by the media. I see this forum is not the place for any intelligible conversation to I bid you well.

And lad, Suuuuure you did that part by ear. I got the hookups on prog to co.eff slow this down and have it now. Thanks for nothing and enjoy wallowing in your false self image of glory wherein you can play an instrument as well as you blow cawk and think you have the slightest idea about anything in the spectrum of life.

:err: How can you be so insecure over something so petty?
Also, what the hell gave you the idea that I would, for one thing, go through the effort of learning how to create tabs on a computer (something I've never done before, regardless of how easy or hard it is), and another, bother to create my own interpretation of a lead for some generic, petulent, wee by-numbers Alexi fanboy? Spaz.
Wow, this was... amazingly stupid.

Something about the thought of theory genius who couldn't pick apart a solo on his own, despite being positivity smarted than us all, and then has the nerve to call everyone else egotistical... who's the troll?
