This Saturday!

Only people who piss sitting down do not like football.

metalkingdom said:
I'm predicting an upset. Arrington and Washington will shut down Alexander, which will cause Hasslebeck to pass more, which will inevitably lead to turnovers. Brunell and Moss will have a good game since they couldn't get it right last week. They never suck two weeks in a row.
I predict that your prediction is completely wrong.
Lordlucid said:
But I do have to say, The Super Bowl is where its at!
Bah, soccer!!!!

Heh, Americans had to invent their own sports just so they could call themselves "world champion" in something! :p

Can't take anyone serious who'd call a sport football when the foot hardly touches the damn thing, of course, but after having lived in Seattle for 8 years and having been to SeaHawks, Sonics, and Mariners games you can't help but develop some appreciation. The one thing that still irks me is the dead time while watching in the stadium, and commercials on TV. I'll take Real Football or Aussie Rules over those fit-for-commercial-tv pastimes any day, and preferably active rather than passive...

Go Matt, go Shaun!!! And make Brunell suffer!!! He still has some dues to pay for vowing to never play for the SeaHawks - some UW graduate he is... Stomp on those 'skins, please... pretty please! 3.5 more hours til game time... :loco:
R.I.P Redskins's season.

I knew they would lose though... I had a feeling.. I said that in the previous page, didn't I?

Kevin, thanks for all the images and text messages from the field!!!!!
:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
Congrats SeaHawks!!!

You guys are lucky that the Skins have no offense at all, because the other
2/3 of the team kicked ass. (well except that lousy kicker of ours)
Carolina however, is a full team....
good luck next week!