This sounds like a good show

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
All local bands...


a near indescribable pageant of very heavy power metal reminiscent in magnetism to Slough Feg or Hammers Of Misfortune

Omega Crom:
Omega Crom is a thrash power metal band based out of Vancouver B.C. They were given their start in the winter of 2002 as one of the bands in the line up with the almighty metal god THOR at Thorfest. Omega Crom brought to the stage progressive power metal and elements of aggressive death and thrash metal

The other two bands I don't know much about, but they've been raved about on some of the local forums. Names are Muspellheim and Luciferian Conquest. For 10 bucks at the door, why not, and I know roughly where it is, it's not far from my old drinking hole. Right in the middle of drug addict town!
My favorite band from Vancouver has to be Zimmer's Hole.

well, i know how I can refuse now.... 2 quizzes tomorow, quiz and final thursday, quiz friday, 2 finals monday, tues/wed off and skills exam thursday.

It is the week of sodomy and anal bleeding. YAY FOR FINAL EXAM RAPE!
sheeeeet that sucks dude, i have about 3 weeks until finals...i only have 2 finals though, and one of them is acting out a scene (in spanish) from a novel :D

yay for liberal arts education
final on novell, cisco's online (see bullshit decipher the questions, plus mental mindfuck) final and the BCIT (see brutal memory mindfuck) final. Skills exam is doing EVERYTHING we've done. It's a 100% or 0% thing, worth 25% of my mark. Quizzes are all cisco except one of the ones tomorow.

They're all online and similar to the final in bullshit level. The novell quiz will be easy. As will the novell final.
i used to work with Netware 3.1 and 4.0 years ago.
what level are they up to know? totally out of the loop.

Novell was pretty intuitive though ... they were neck to neck with NT in the early days ... just could not compete with MS in $$$ and marketing.
so many computer type people here, how many of you are there!? maybe there's some kinda sociological explanation for it, IT guys have a greater proclivity to listen to metal?
cthulufhtagn said:
so many computer type people here, how many of you are there!? maybe there's some kinda sociological explanation for it, IT guys have a greater proclivity to listen to metal?

it's more like ... metalheads are closet nerds ... the coolest of the bunch are usually up on stage :loco:
mmm nothing like the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, RAS algorithm, VPNs, IPSEC and ISAKMP to make an afternoon grand. Oh well, it kinda makes sense now that I've had some lab time.