this was my day, how was yours?


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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i had such a nice walk today.
bought some coffee to go, and just walked and walked and walked.....














I love nature. It can be the most peaceful thing you can ever wish for and it can be an unstoppable killing machine.

Great pics
Today I woke up at 7:30, I took a shower and then got ready for work. Instead of getting a drink of coffee, i made some coffee, because i work at a café. I then came home, played some guitar and plan to go to a bar tonight. In all, a good day my friend.
nice sexy pics

i woke up at 8 because my fucking mom called for some reason. then, i went to class. then i did my homeowrk for the next class, then went to it. then i played guitar with my homies, then i went to eat at some classy joint. then i went to the rec center and rode that fucking bike forever. then i took a shower and played some nfl street. now, as you can see, i am bored (thus the reason i am on message boards).

shitty, boring day.
great pics karen! school bus wooooo! and chrome woke up around 10, both of us looking very sexy...too sexy in we took care of that and then sat around i guess. then i took a shower, ate a peanut butter quesadilla, then chrome got ready, then we went to toys r us to pick up my paycheck and went through mcdonald's cuz i was hungry for a mcchicken. then we went home and chrome left a while later to go to work. and now i'm sitting here pondering what to have for dinner

oh and i've been blowing plastic bubbles all day. ya know, that stinky pink gunk you stick on the end of a straw? fun!...but oh the headache! stinkay! and they make that for children...tisk tisk. turning 7 year olds into hardcore huffers
Got up at 7, went to school had a rather normal school day, except my satan spanish teacher was absent, and the sub was easily ignored, so that was cool.... Cora and Libby came over after school, we hung out, Libby left at 7. Me and cora had pizza, and then she left at 10 or so.... pretty damn cool day i would say.
Peanut Butter Quesadillas rule! Quick fix for the munchies

Went to school. Kicked my last two finals' asses. Tied for the highest score with somebody else on my US History final. For my english final, I had to teach the class (full of vegetables) for a few minutes about ambiguous pronoun reference. I made it so they could was cool.

Came home with the girlfriend...hung out...screwed around...watched Office Space...good times
I got up at 9, went to classes for 3 hours from 10 - 1, got depressed in that time, came home, cried a bit and then had a nap for a few hours. Woke up, ordered a pizza, ate, talked on the internet, played guitar... im feeling better now, but I'm starting to think I should see a psychologist....

anyway, that was my day, hope that makes you feel better about yours day, let's see today I woke around 9:30AM listened to music, had tuna for breakfast and took a shower then I took a walk up the road to get come stuff copied. Came home listened to more music then around 5:30pm I went for a run. By the time I was finish with that I felt in a drinking I checked some friends and we went down lower the road to a bar and had some beers...later on they finally convinced me to go to a strip club with them, after getting lost in south of this country trying to find the stupid place...the car shut down about 3 times too....and we had to push ti off the road then the bestest part was we were going down this hill so all of us jumped on the trunk and sat for a free was fun...until I jumped off and landed flat on my back...ouch...then on our way home after finally getting correct directions to the highway, we stalled again...this time it was for we had to call someone to wreck the car and take us home...I probably reached home about 6:30AM...and here I am now :)
Same routine on Friday. No Class so I had the day off. Woke up about 4 pm. Went to the gym with my dad for about 2 hours worked out to some Bodom, Skyfire, Nevermore, and Sinergy. Did chest and shoulders routine. Jogged for an hour. Came Home. Friends came over after they got done working. Played a few games of warcraft3 with them. Went to Culvers a burger joint, ( a lot of good working out did me today.)

Anyway at Culvers, this rat bastard old man started throwing a shit fit. No reason behind it really he was just a jerk off. Screaming at his daughters and wife, f this f that, I make 110k a year blah blah blah. Got me a little pissed off. I minded my own business though. Manager at the restraunt called the cops on the guy. 2 Police cars showed up. The cops questioned him then figured out he was drunk. Arrested his ass. So I was happy to see that happen. But I absolutly feel bad for those two girls. I know they gotta put up with that guy all the time. Im sure having a family dinner means getting critized and yelled at the whole time. Him driving drunk with them in the same vehicle is pathetic too. Too bad the guy won't learn either. He probably doesn't even think he did anything wrong. Some people just need a rude awakening. Oh well, I wish I could have done something but theirs not much else I could have done other than beat his ass. But that would have only been self gain. So its best just to let assholes be assholes.

Anyway rest of the night hung out with friends, and they left so here I am posting stuff on this message board.
hmm cant remember really bumped my head and woke up in the afternoon (friday) then i was starving so i made some toast with cheese and tea...well that was nice and played some guitar after that and in the evening i watched a was pretty good one...

about some vietnamchick's live or something it was 4stars well and that was about my day ...prett boring dont you say...well gotta go to work now ...blegh