This whole thing seems very contrived (reunion - press conference)

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They didn't look at all like a "family." It seemed very unnatural. Their hearts are not in this. I think we will see them begging to get Bush back in a year or so. But I would not blame JB one bit if he pulls a Hagar and tells $cott to fuck off. Who's to say Vera and Bush won't play our favorite Anthrax songs in thier set????
Since the split, they've all said some pretty nasty shit about each other, so I have a hard time believing they can just forget what's been said. If this is really what the band wants, then more power to them. I hope Bush returns, but if not, hopefully at least Armored Saint will come back stronger.

I'd like to believe what Scott says, but the new website doesn't really give any credit to John, making it seem more ominous that this could be a permanent thing. As much a s the band has given the impression of keeping the fans in the loop through Alphamails, Blast Beats, and Mr. Wu posting on the board, the fact is we've been kept in the dark about so many things, and when we do finally hear it from the band, its nothing new that we hadn't heard from other sources weeks or even months beforehand...including Paul, Frank, and now the whole reunion thing. There was nothing we didn't know already in yesterdays website change, but it didn't offer us any reassurances either..."John and Rob are still part of the Anthrax family" What the fuck is that supposed to mean? My dead grandfather is still a part of our family, but he's dead. My asshole uncle is still a part of the family but nobody talks to him or sees him anymore. Sure, the band has kept some things private for personal reasons, and I can respect that. But why can't they just be straight with us on something big like this instead of stringing us along?

Everybody has their own opinion, and I thought Anthrax had some decent stuff with Joey, but there was a lot of stuff I didn't like. John made me a fan of the band, and if this does turn out to be a permanent thing, its going to hurt for me because Bush Thrax is my favorite band. If this is a true split, then my loyalty will be with John. Couldn't they avoid all this bullshit we've seen on these boards in the past few weeks if someone in the band could just give us a straight answer?
Well if they looked akward in the new pics, I think that is because Spitz was in them.

Oh, come on! He is a goofy looking mother fucker! I thought he looked goofy in the 80's! And then I thought he looked even goofier a couple years back when the Anthrax Behind the Music aired. But WHOA!! Who was I kidding? He looks like a straight up troll with Homy-G glasses now!

To add a serious note, I bet there is a lot of legal bullshit going on that we don't know about. I personally could care less if this is all true or not, I had a hard on for both eras of the band. But there is obviously more to this whole thing then what is being said right now. You guys are 100% correct - the new web site answered no questions. We knew this shit (or at least had heard a shit load of rumors) months ago. And we as the fans (the very life on any band) deserve some straight up statements from everyone involved in this. But we have to keep in mind that this could all be a scam, and if it is for real, there is probably a ton of legal BS that these guys have to stick to for a while.

My question is - assuming this is all true and John is out of Anthrax - what of their contract? I am assuming that John Bush has a legal obligation with SKanKtuary Records to make one more record. Eh - whatever man it does not really matter. I just want this board to chill out. We have had nothing better to talk about for months!!
I don't know how you guys can look at a picture and say that they "don't look like family" Who knows, maybe when thay start "jamming" together again it will be like "family". Even the most loving of families get in fights and uncomfortable situations now and then. I would agree that it would be nice to know what is "really" going on with Bush and Rob. We need answers!
wouldnt u be awkward if u had seen someone in x amount of years,its not like they are gonna start cracking jokes or anything,nothing a good night on the piss wont fix.