This Year's Setlist

If for some reason they do play something from the first album, I'd like to hear Absinthe and Rue. That song is killer, and if it were Russellified if would suck the awesome out of the earth's atmosphere and into the room.

For some reason I don't see Symphony X ever playing a cover song, nor would I want them to. It always bothers me when I see Dream Theater and they play some random song from a band I don't even know. I'd rather see a band play their own material than a cover, as the time it takes to play a cover could be used to play a rare gem like The Edge of Forever.

Also, if they play Frontiers, I'll die a happy man.
Obviously, even if they don't open with Inferno, they're still gonna play it. I'm damn sure that they're gonna play King of Terrors and Wicked as well. King of Terrors would be awesome live; Wicked not so much. If we're really lucky, maybe they'd play The Odyssey for us. I'd go off my bird if they played that.

You know what they should play off of V? EGYPT!!! :rock:
But I'm still waiting on the Rock Opera version of the whole album though.

As far as Twilight, I wouldn't mind hearing Church of the Machine. Does anyone know how often they play that?

Off DWoT, of course they'll play Of Sins, maybe Shadows, but most likely even both together, or Sea of Lies. But my Bassist's girlfriend was trash talking Symphony X last night, and now I'd just want to see her reaction to hearing Candlelight Fantasia. And she's the emotional type, so she'd be breaking down in tears at the sheer leetness of that song, while I'm standing there, yelling in her face "HA!! I TOLD YOU THAT SYMPHONY X OWNS YOUR SOUL!!"

Why don't they play anything off Damnation Game? If I ever got to hear them play both parts of A Winter's Dream, I'd jump for joy. I swear to god, that song gets me all giddy like a little schoolgirl.

A Lesson Before Dying. 'Nuff said.

Off the new album though, they should play that one song where Romeo goes all "Weedlyweedlyweedlyweedlyweedlyweedlyweedlyweedlyweedlyweedly!!!!" and Mike Lepond goes "Boop Boop badoop chuga chuga chuga!" Or even that one where Jason Rullo goes all like "Googoodah-googoodah-googoodah..." just like the drummer from Foghat. You all know what songs I'm talkin' about, right? What about the one where MJR's all like "DananaDananaDananaDananaDanananana!!!!". You all know what I'm talking about?
of course they'll play Of Sins, maybe Shadows, but most likely even both together


Of the five times I've been fortunate enough to see them, they've played Church twice, Egypt/Death of Balance once, and The Odyssey three times (only on the last leg of The Odyssey's tour). They've played Inferno, King, and Wicked all five times I've seen them, and Awakenings twice.

Although they are all on the live album, I've never personally heard them play Candlelight, Divine Wings or Looking Glass. I would probably harm a small child to see them play Divine Wings.
I would love to see them play anything live... but given the choice, lots of stuff of V, The Odyssey, King Of Terrors, DWOT, Sea Of Lies, Accolade, Accolade II, Through THe Looking Glass, I think I'd be happy with that... :D
How the fuck did Foghat come up in this thread? :lol:

Because we're all just fools for the city, taking an awsome slow ride into Sy-X's setlist... Honey hush, I got my home in my hand.....but then Ptah replied to Montu, "I just wanna make love to you"

I think that about covers the live cd......

J-Dubya - Who first heard this on 8-Track
How the fuck did Foghat come up in this thread? :lol:

lol I'm hoping it was an Aquateen reference....otherwise i have no clue

As far as setlists, as long as they go easy on the Oddyssey stuff this time I'll be happy. It's certainly not that I dislike it, but that was 90% of what i heard last time I saw them. More importantly, i hope they have someone who knows how to run a soundboard this time.
lol I'm hoping it was an Aquateen reference....otherwise i have no clue

As far as setlists, as long as they go easy on the Oddyssey stuff this time I'll be happy. It's certainly not that I dislike it, but that was 90% of what i heard last time I saw them. More importantly, i hope they have someone who knows how to run a soundboard this time.
Yes!! Someone caught it!!!