Those cheap peavey Cabinets


Joe not so legend
Jun 5, 2009
So, i currently use a Krank SST 4x12 cabinet. This is one of the cheaper krank cabs. Live this thing delivers murdering tones. At our rehearsal place. A well isolated basement. Rectangle room, 4 by 6 meters i think, maybe bigger. But a cieling wich is only about abit more then 2 meters high. Doesnt matter how i set up my amp (peavey XXX), or the sound drowns, or it overpowers. The accoustics are terrible down there.
So i want to try another cabinet, just for rehearsal only, no gigging. I was thinking about this one:, seems the same like this one?, any of you heard it? Owns it? Compared with other cheap crap? Or might a bugera cab be better? I want to keep it below 250 euro. I dont want to buy the harley benton 4x12 with V30, its also cheap, not made from fiberplate, but its ugly. Will also be switching to a 6505 amp also soon. Once its fixed.
Those are alright, but nothing to write home about, IMO.

In the EU, the HB cab seems like a good choice. I don't see what's ugly about it... it just looks like a cab... but if you're concerned about looks, just unscrew the logo and it will look like any other cab... maybe?
If room acoustics are you problem then sort out the room acoustics!

Don't go buying a new cab that's likely to still sound awful in the space you're in.

You can probably treat the basement for quite a bit less than what that cab would cost you.
If room acoustics are you problem then sort out the room acoustics!

Don't go buying a new cab that's likely to still sound awful in the space you're in.

You can probably treat the basement for quite a bit less than what that cab would cost you.

I know this, this room needs basstraps badly. Fact is: i dont live there, i didnt build the room, not that i am not willing to invest in accoustic stuff there. Just cant get the guy who lives there convinced it is needed. Niether is there the room to put for example auralex basstraps in the corners. We once used a different setup in there, wich was better, but then the seams of his floor covering get damaged way to fast so..., this guy likes to keep everything clean and scratchfree, its the way he is. There is also never unused gear/stuff laying around iether.