Though I dont feel the need to explain myself to anyone.

I have made my last post on any other forum besides this one.And since no one comes here I guess I will be posting alot less frequently.I started this Radio station to support ehe underground bands and also to shre what I consider to be the best music in the world Metal.
For a reason I cannot gather even though I have been banging my head against the fucking wall for months now trying to figure it out people at boards do not want anything to do with people who saupport Metal.And its not just me anayone who shows up on a bord and announces their new band/webzine ANYTHING that has to do with supprting metal they either get told they are in the wrong place or to fuck off and die.I have tried every way possible to stir interest for the station on boards being nice being an ass being completly ignorant and most of the time just being what I would consider a good source of imformation letting everyone know what new releases Rapture is playing what contast we are running so forth and i have been called a loser for the last time.
I am to the point now where I can see the station is growing on its own and I do not need to post anymore and be humiliated by people who have no lives and live on forums.
I will be completly honest with you I like to shre things with people and you can ask Cindy or Vanessa I am a giving person I started this to shre with everyone and I thought for sure free metal would bring alot of thank you's and hoefully it might get some great bands the attention they deserve.I do wish people emailed me more I wish like hell this forum would take off I am overwhelmed with what I am doing wrong to not make people appreciate what we are doing here.
I send out over 1,000 emails a week about the station with the help of the Rapture staff begging people to come here and to please email me I want to interact with youy and look at the board and we are lucky to get 5 responces out of 1,000 emails.I have started some cool relayionships with alot of listners and I will answer all email snet to me and fufill all request if I have the material but i will not take the abuse of people on boards any longer.
Just as i stated when leaving another board the station is getting huge and people are listning now more than ever,However I do wish to hear from you.
don't give up man, people can be rude, people can be ignorant that's just the way it goes. epsecially within the genre and all the elitism amongst some who are a part of the scene. i don't think most of those who say humiliating or bashing things really mean it as it only gives them something bitch about or what have you. they see it as spam and will look for ay excuse to try and belittle another. this is the best genre of music as far as i am concered yet it is the most critical as well. keep your head up and we'll do what we can to rise above it:D
Well sometimes people just don't know what to say ya know? Happens to me often enough:erk: Things will get better! You can't twist people's arms (or fingers) to get them to post. Posting and activity will come with time.... Check out the banner i made in my sig:D