Thoughts anyone?

I buy CDs. Period. I just absorb all I can from the Myspace or the website or what-have-you beforehand.

Oh, and I test-drive cars too. Any dealership that won't let you do that shouldn't be trusted. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Tell me what you guys think of my take on this while thing. I'd really like to hear!:rock::rock::rock:
I agree with most of the points you are making.
Your inside view of the music industry clears some of the aspects not known to the public. By now knowing some of the stuff you posted, I see the importance of buying a record.

Here is my take on some things you mentioned
Steve Smyth said:
If you can't afford it, WAIT UNTIL YOU CAN. Or sell something so you can. I have had to when I was in positions to not afford everything I wanted, so why shouldn't you?
Good point, in a perfect world with perfect humans, people would wait until they could, but in this far from perfect world another aspect comes into play, temptation. it is really really tempting to get an album for free before it even comes out, or to just get if for free. The internet and music from p2p software is kinda like a little kid being alone in a room with no supervision and a bunch a cookies on a table. In order to get the cookies he needs to pay a dollar, just to leave it on the table, but if he just gets a cookie without paying there are no consequences due to the lack of supervision. 100% of those little kids would get the cookie without paying. I think it is in human nature to jack shit from other people when they know there are no consequences. I'm not saying that everyone is doing it or did it or will do it, but I'm saying that the temptation is still there.

Furthermore, I understand where you come from by saying that you've been in that situation of not being to afford everything, and you didn't get it until you could, so why shouldn't everyone do the same thing. I agree with it completely, yet i admit that i'm kinda of a hypocrite in this matter.i bought poe, and the new behemoth or gojira's disks after i downloaded those from torrents. Those were actually a pain in the ass to find, just not well distributed enough in Seattle and my parents don't trust online payment. Most of my music that i listen to is bought from a store, i'm not a perfect human.

Downloading shouldn't be written off as a concept though, even from torrents. IMHO sharing bootlegs is not something that damages the artist. a bootleg WILL NOT prevent 99% of the people from going to a show or buying an album, to me it is the contrary, it makes me wanna go to a show. I have downloaded a bunch of Sepultura bootlegs from the 90s and the beneath the remains tours, and i am actually a proud owner of those bootlegs. No disrespected intended, but those bootleg allow me to experience halfway something i couldn't biologically. I was one or two or not even born when those were recorded, and the line up isn't even together anymore. But, I would never pay for a bootleg unless it was from the artist. If a dude recorded a show, I'm cool with that if he shares it that is fine with me too, if he sells it, then he is a total dick for which i have no respect.

Steve Smyth said:
I have heard music fans state they they would prefer to "pay the artist directly". Radiohead might not be the favorite of anybody, or everybody, on this forum. But I believe that the time is right to try this system out, and see if it works. And, if music fans really support the idea of buying directly from the artist, hopefully Radiohead's fans will show that, and support the band in their art_, by buying their latest work, and then support them by paying to see them on tour, buy their merchandise,etc. And this model will be taken on by other bands and artists out there.

I am one of the people who would pay directly the artist for their music. If you would sell the EssenEss project online at a reasonable price I would buy it because i know that the money goes to one of my favorite guitarits, and that i am not wasting money on middlemen between me and the artist(just giving an example, i am gonna buy it anyway the day it comes out). I think what radiohead is doing is a double way sword cutting at both the music industry AND at piracy.

as a future aspiring musician, I agree with the fact that piracy hurts bands immensely in the beginning of their careers, and because of that aspiration I try to understand the artists, and not jack their music, and in the end their money.

P.S. This thread actually inspired me to clean up my hard drive of some stuff i got from other ways than the legitimate ones.
It sucks for artists no doubt, but I hate industry. Devin Townsend has gone about things the right way I think. Now I dont know indepth all about it, and theres obviously some parallels, but Strapping Young Lad - S.Y.L. is too cool to ignore :lol:

Coming from the other thread, my thoughts continue here. The digital age has taken the traditional album and changed how thats percieved, and also the value of it unfortunately. But its not all bad, because nowdays I dont have to spend $5k on a two song demo. Few hunj on an audio interface, reaper is amazing! and cheap if I want to sell my stuff, its not high quality doing it yourself, but it'll make do until you can get that studio time. Studio time paid for by who though. Oh yeah thats right, labels. And that demo will get you gigs in pubs maybe, but not anywhere that management can. The charms of Capitalism. Hey that'd make a great song title! COPYRIGHT!...though I'll sell it and other catchy titles at a price...

Well thats about where I'm at right now too. I have a massive urge to get back out there playing live, and thankfully through technology previous issues in getting there have been resolved! (noise issues with drums and amps replaced with electronic kits, amp modelers and headphone monitoring) But I think we're ground floor of a new revolution in both the music industry and artistry. With any luck they will be able to seperate without the artist losing money. And I dont think anyone out there has a clue whats gonna happen just yet.
Oh, and I test-drive cars too. Any dealership that won't let you do that shouldn't be trusted. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Yeah dude I'm all for test drives I meant more in as you can't take the car home for a few weeks then return it. Concerning listening before you buy now a lot of sites like HMV and Amazon here in the UK let you hear samples of songs before you buy.
Yes, and that's what I do, but that's coming under fire as well. I run through that once, and either ignore it (if I don't like it enough), buy the album immediately (if I like it and there isn't a show coming around anytime soon) or buy it at the next show they play near me.

I'm working on my own stuff right now and I doubt I'll ever wind up making a living off of it, but I understand completely why after sitting around for an hour trying to get everything lined up right for one bloody verse someone wouldn't want people stealing the stuff.
Something should be added to this... I thought I had, but apparently that was something I thought I did the same night I thought I paid the credit card bill and finished my Math Stats homework... and it turns out that didn't actually happen. Honestly, I was wondering why there were eight days that week...

Anyway, the post is about how we shouldn't be able to hold backups or hard-drive copies of music because replacements are easily affordable and actually listening to music violates copyright laws. Fucking beautiful.

Something should be added to this... I thought I had, but apparently that was something I thought I did the same night I thought I paid the credit card bill and finished my Math Stats homework... and it turns out that didn't actually happen. Honestly, I was wondering why there were eight days that week...

Anyway, the post is about how we shouldn't be able to hold backups or hard-drive copies of music because replacements are easily affordable and actually listening to music violates copyright laws. Fucking beautiful.

agreed, RIAA is ridiculous. As Steve said there has to be a line drawn where the artist stop losing money, but there also has to be a line drawn where RIAA's greed ends, unless RIAA would give artists higher royalties.

On a different note, I have fairly mixed feelings about music downloading. There are places where many people can't afford music or any little things that make life sweet. In Romania where most families make around a thousand euros a month total with kids to feed and send to school, there is not much money left to buy records, or go to shows, or buy official shirts.
70% of the metal community there can't afford to buy records, and without music downloads there would be NO metal community, and there would be not that many shows. I know a few people who are big fans of some bands, and actually care about the artist and bought some records from century media, but they can't afford their whole discography. I have a friend who really loves Nevermore, thus he saved money for a month to afford to buy his 2 favorite nevermore records TGE and PoE remaster from Century media around 20 euros each (including taxes and shipping). Let me remind you that 20E right now is about 28$. You do the math, he is a high school kid living away from his parents in a different city living with his aunt so he can go to a half decent school. I don't think people like should be prosecuted at all or held responsible for downloading a few records. The guy payed his tolls towards the band, and attended their show in Sziget last summer and has a shirt.

Music is not like inanimate shit you buy at a regular store, it is a way to go through your day, and having a reason to go on in a depressing piece of shit society he lives in. Maybe records should have different prices according to the local market. I wouldn't sell the same record at the same price in the US like in a developing country, if records would be sold at a more decent price over there like 10E each, i'm sure more people would buy them. While I personally wouldn't blame him for downloading a few records (he didn't not download a ridiculous ammount of music, and has at least one record from each band he likes, including seeing them live and merch). However, I wholeheartedly blame people who can afford music, but download it to buy weed or video games and shit. That is one of the reasons i deleted most of my music i didn't buy from my hard drive this weekend.
What do I think?
Getting back to the fine point, there is a new business model being tested right now, in the form of the band Radiohead's new album being sold as a "name your price" digital download, and other offers surrounding the album as well, for a set price. Bottom line: they're doing it themselves, so the money is going directly to them. (See the other thread on this forum for my response to this coming soon).

I have heard music fans state they they would prefer to "pay the artist directly". Radiohead might not be the favorite of anybody, or everybody, on this forum. But I believe that the time is right to try this system out, and see if it works. And, if music fans really support the idea of buying directly from the artist, hopefully Radiohead's fans will show that, and support the band in their art_, by buying their latest work, and then support them by paying to see them on tour, buy their merchandise,etc. And this model will be taken on by other bands and artists out there.

Radiohead's New Honor System (The Onion) - lol

As far as not being able to load your own stuff on the computer, that's just f*&*ing stupid. Remember when we used to tape shit off the radio? lol. I just listen to my Yahoo radio station and stations on the tv. I was told that keeping the VHS tapes of shows and movies that I've taped is also illegal. :zombie: Maybe I'll have to retreat to something old fashioned for entertainment. :p
The Air force should launch B52 raids against RIAA. Some corporate asshole wants more money. I have all my CDs ripped on my HDD and the important ones are burnt as mp3s on a DVD for backup in case the CDs get scratched and the HDD crashes or something. The only solution I see is that musicians go on a big strike, and start handing out their past music for free and encourage piracy just to spite RIAA, provided they have means to make a living. THe writer's strike for the win, it helped my girl friend not be addicted to the office any longer!:lol:
Or we could just remain entirely unfazed by them and eventually they'll just be laughed at everywhere. This sort of scare tactic bullshit is everywhere - the Business Software Alliance is another good example - and they only reason they exist is that people are scared of them.

Wow that was deep!! Great stuff.
With all the hard workings of the artists and the neglect from the labels, promotion co's etc.. is one of the main reasons that we started Maximum Threshold. There are so many bands (great bands) out there that deserve to be heard that don't have a real chance to be heard. I have devoted 90 + % of my show to the unsigned band, 5% of the show to news and BS and the last 5% to signed bands. I think it is a great mix, it works and we have experienced alot new listeners world-wide with this formula.

I like to buy CD's from a store, I find it more exciting opening a real CD. It is more physical. Downloading songs are too easy and takes away from the adventure of the purchase. Plus if you computer crashes, well you know what happens!!

i got very simple&short idea about downloading pirated stuff.

it is stealing.
just like going to the shop and stealing the cd from the shelf.

I know I am not prefect myself though, sometimes (very very seldom but it happens) I download a song to check if it is good, but at least later on I try to keep to the idea of buying the album and not downloading the rest of the songs.
It's tempting as hell to grab the new Meshuggah, I must admit. I'd be buying it day-of at any cost, so it's really an issue of me being an impatient bastard, but discipline has never been one of my strong points, so the waiting game is just getting annoying...
