Thoughts on the new Indy?

My thoughts exactly. After a certain tree-canopy scene, things went downhill rather quickly. Not that there weren't other questionable moments before that, but to me that scene was the turning point where the movie nose-dived into CG weirdness.

I enjoyed it overall, though. Harrison Ford is still amazing.
I thought the whole Warehouse scene was junk. I dont think Harrison acted as Indy through that whole scene, I sorta hated Shia's character at first, but as is little tough guy shit went bye-bye he was ok, that's about it though. more I think about it though, wasn't alot of booby traps like in last crusade/ lucky thing where they push against a wall and bam find the clue they were looking for.

like 7/10 at best imo
I just watched Temple Of Doom, and The Last Crusade this past week .... both were much, much better than this latest installment. I think the thing that bothered me most with this new one was that the script seemed cobbled together, and the acting was weak. Things that were supposed to be funny seemed awkward and out of place. The dialogue just didn't flow right or something. As for the crazy action I expect impossible situations from Indiana Jones flicks, but this one was way too over the top for it's own good ... laughably so in many cases.

i agree, the warehouse scene...bloody hell.
and dammit HE's INDIANA JONES, how could he 'miss' landing on the truck and land on the one behind it?
WTF....did he forget how to use the bullwhip?
i agree, the warehouse scene...bloody hell.
and dammit HE's INDIANA JONES, how could he 'miss' landing on the truck and land on the one behind it?
WTF....did he forget how to use the bullwhip?
Now that I thought made sense ... he's an old man now .. can't do things quite as well as he used to do. Plus ... Indy always was a bit clumsy .. even when he was younger.

I was most disappointed with the surviving-in-a-refrigerator thing... I mean, I expect some unbeliveable things, but Urban and I both thought that totally killed any possible suspension of disbelief.

I did love that I figured out that were talking about Nazca before they said so--that site fascinates me--and I liked them having him in class.

Overall, a little cheesy, but you kind of expect that, but definitely not the best one. That being said, it's difficult to get the concept past me, since I have been a reader of several of the so-called "alien astronaut" theory-type books. Could've been more interesting, but I kinda liked where Lucas went with it, all things considered.

Haven't seen it but my brother said he didn't like it. I'm honestly not a big fan of the original trilogy and may just skip it all together. So many other movies I want to see that there's no reason to waste money on one that I can just wait to rent the blu-ray of.
I'm a big fan of the first three, but I don't feel compelled to watch the Crystal Skull installment. The previews alone turned me off due to the over usage of computer graphics. Movies are becoming too cartoonish for me these days! That was my biggest complaint about the Star Wars episodes I, II, and III as well. :rolleyes:

As oppose to everyone else, LOVED IT!!! Thought it was great - it was another IJ movie, where he can do the impossible... the same bits of everything that make an Indy movie and Indy movie...

I'd totally go pay n' see it again...
Major Disappointment. 19 years later and this is the best idea they could come up with? There was not a single second during the movie where I felt one of the characters on screen was in actual peril.

I actually think Kaosaur sums the movie up the most eloquently/succinctly. :lol:
I'm a big fan of the first three, but I don't feel compelled to watch the Crystal Skull installment. The previews alone turned me off due to the over usage of computer graphics. Movies are becoming too cartoonish for me these days! That was my biggest complaint about the Star Wars episodes I, II, and III as well. :rolleyes:


i honestly dont remember alot of CGI, and i think its alot better than the terrible cgi they had back then :lol:
My thoughts are that it was a really damn good movie. Not the best Indy movie, but better than Temple of Doom. The CG did put me off a bit, and parts were just too much, but overall i felt it DID keep the spirit of the old Indy movies.
I posted this in another thread too but here's my thoughts:

As a huge fan of the previous three Indiana Jones installments, I gave no thought to the countless sub-par reviews I've read/heard going into this movie. Seems this movie was just destined to draw unmerited criticism from those looking for replicas of the prior three, which of course, it has. I went with no expectations and was eager to see whether Harrison Ford and Co. could affectively portray a significantly older Dr. Jones without compromising the overall legacy of the series. Here's what I got out of it:

From a nostalgia P.O.V., they certainly tried to incorporate many of the old familiar Indy trademarks. Without giving too much away, there's some fun references/revivals of older characters either in discussion or in person, i.e. Marcus Brody.(sorry if that's a spoiler but he's been dead for like 15 yrs) We get the old map with the plane flying to a red dot bit, which I always liked as a kid. And of course there's plenty of Indy's trademark quips along the way(often so bad they're good) There's more, but I'd say they did a good job touching on the old movies without dwelling/relying on them.

The characters were lacking in some spots. The previous movies all had established/interesting enemies; Belloq(the french guy,) Walter Donavan, the Nazis, Dr. Elsa Schneider, and the guy who pulled your heart out. Cate Blanchett failed with this task, as did incorporating the Soviets. The character of Mac also seemed uninteresting and perhaps underused at times, and another new character, Ox, spent most of the time doing his best impression of a homeless person who's lost his marbles. Indy's new sidekick Mutt was hit or miss, but mostly hit considering there just wasn't anyone else on screen doing anything cool a lot of the time. Overall the supporting cast was my biggest problem and left me wondering where was Short Round, Salah, and just how big the paycheck needed to be to get Sean Connery's old ass to sign on.

The action sequences were fine, for the most part. Indy can still throw a punch and look convincing doing it, yet his whip-work was largely missing throughout. There were some cool action scenes peppered throughout the movie, but there were certainly some that were a bit hokey(Mutt swinging expertly from vines in the jungle was kinda stupid) Despite a few cheesy action scenes I'd say an older Harrison Ford looked just fine to me.

The plot/storyline was interesting. It certainly touched on the sci-fi end of things, which was fine for me. It was by no means as well developed as the other films, but it held my interest up until the ending, which bordered on ridiculous. The main content of the story left me feeling stuck in no-man's land a bit. I felt like they gave us enough info to be curious and have questions, but didn't go all they way with it and completely satisfy the curiosity. In the end the conclusion seemed like a combo of National Treasure II and Stargate.

I guess this probably reads like I didn't enjoy the movie, but I definitely did and would recommend it. It may not scratch all the old itches but it certainly seems like a worthy addition to the series. I'd say 3 stars with an upside, as I can see it getting better with more viewings.
I saw it today. Not Oscar-worthy, to be sure, but I still found it highly entertaining. I was a little surprised at the direction it took and the ending, but it wasn't a deal-breaker for me. I'd watch it again, and will likely buy it when it comes out.

And Shaye - I figured out the Nazca part too. Amazing stuff, that.