Thoughts on the new Maiden?

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
If you've heard it, whats your opinion on A Matter of Life and Death? My thoughts, it's fucking awesome. Maiden keep on progressing with each new album. The songs may be long, but IMO they never get boring, just more interesting. All the guys are in top form, and Bruce will always be THE man. Some of my fav tracks are Different World, These Colours Don't Run, The Longest Day, Reincarnation..., and Out of the Shadows.
it took a few listens to grow on me, mainly because of the production. it sounds like they were going for a raw, underproduced feel and i dont think it did the songs much justice.

HOWEVER, i've gotten past that initial response and i think this is typical Maiden...
AMAZING ALBUM!! :headbang:

i love that they're doing the entire album on their current tour.

i hate that the tour isnt coming anywhere close to NC. :cry:
SueNC said:
it took a few listens to grow on me, mainly because of the production. it sounds like they were going for a raw, underproduced feel and i dont think it did the songs much justice.

HOWEVER, i've gotten past that initial response and i think this is typical Maiden...
AMAZING ALBUM!! :headbang:

i love that they're doing the entire album on their current tour.

i hate that the tour isnt coming anywhere close to NC. :cry:
Hell yeah. It's fucking epic, songs like For the Greater Good of God and The Legacy.
Never cared too much for them. But the majority of my really good friends who have had their balls ripped off by their wives in the last few years seem to grow a pair when it comes to Maiden. These Pussy Whipped bastards will actually leave their houses, their big screen plasma TV's and their yentas behind to go to see Maiden every time they are touring.

Problem was from what I heard from my buddies, is that the most recent Maiden show sucked moose cock. But then again, these guys aren't really guys who are into the new music of Maiden or any genre for that matter. They said they played like an 1:45 of new stuff.

Any Of You Attend these shows?

Best Regards,


Am I the only one that thinks its crap then:lol: . I'm not really a huge Maiden fan anyway but I've heard about 4 or 5 songs from the new album and honestly I just think it sounds bloody boring!!!! Bought the album last week and thought that it would be a grower but I'm afraid I just can't get into it at all - probably cos I don't like Bruce's voice that much anyway - so god only knows why I'm going to see them on 15th December in Glasgow. Was only really going cos I wanted to hear my 3 fav Maiden tracks, namely Running Free, Wrathchild and Phantom of the Opera, so it was a MASSIVE SHOCK when I realised that they are playing the whole of the new album in its entirety and not doing any of the 3 songs I want to hear.

Still, I've seen a few pics from the tour and it does look like Maiden are putting on quite a spectacular show, so I'll keep listening to the album in the hope that I get to like it by the time December comes.

This will be my second time seeing Maiden, first time was yonks ago with Di'Anno and if truth be told, he is my far my fav Maiden singer. Bring him back thats what I say!!!!!

Last couple of concerts I was at was Y & T and Paul Rodgers just a few weeks ago - both absolutely AWESOME - especially the Y & T gig.
I´m still a virgin to the new album. I liked the snippets I´ve heard so far but my friend who is a Maiden-freak didn´t like it that much. I´m sure I´ll like it though, Maiden songs usually get better after a couple of spins, at least for me.
I´m still a virgin to the new album. I liked the snippets I´ve heard so far but my friend who is a Maiden-freak didn´t like it that much. I´m sure I´ll like it though, Maiden songs usually get better after a couple of spins, at least for me.

Ok...after many listens...I like the album, but I find it to be a bit too even. Not enough variety and highs and lows. It's solid yet it's missing something.

I started off loving it...but the excitement wears off quickly.

It's good. I like it. It's got a good beat, you can dance to it.