Thoughts on the next Bodom album

I think that children's genre will come into those songs, altohught im waiting for the next cd , their own stuff one.. :D
Follow The Reaper pt 2 pl0x, although i know that's not going to happen, and it will instead be a shitty blooddrunk/lamb of god hybrid
To be fair, Blooddrunk was way better than AYDY, id much rather they made another album like that than AYDY.

I agree but i also thinks like anyone else with somekind of brain at all, that they shall make up something new once again. I mean, a new album is always a new album but what about a slightly radical change?

I mean, i think it a bit like this:

SW /
HB <----------- One "era"

AYDY <----------- One "era"
BD \

I big "overview" i know, and it's not really like that but anyway. A bit more black metal and a little less thrash maybe? Just a thought
Yeah, you're right about the eras Fridge Pack. I would hope to go back to the first given era tbh, but I know that won't happen.

Considering the changes in 'lexi's voice and all, I reckon it will go further into mainstream than how it's been.
I don't want them to regress but progress, but I don't want them to abandon the key elements that they used to make themselves with. I don't want them turning into numetal shit, I mean the atmospheres of the older songs are gone replaced with colder thrash riffs. I don't mind thrash riffs but their should be some added ingredients into the songs to bodomize them into metal anthems. I wouldn't mind if they made a dark spooky album, with haunting shit. The main thing is that they write with heart, they just write an album called "curse broken, the last of the broken bones."
I agree with the whole no specific genre idea. I'd love to sorta see the two eras combine (the more shreddy melodic stuff + the gnarly rhythms and heavier stuff) but I kinda think they'll stick on the same path that they're on now. I'd also prefer more harsher vocals but I don't think that's really coming back. Whatever they do, I'll buy it.:lol:
Blooddrunk is the worst album I have ever heard. CoB is getting progressively worse, fast. New Sinergy would be cool.
the atmospheres of the older songs are gone replaced with colder thrash riffs. I don't mind thrash riffs but their should be some added ingredients into the songs to bodomize them into metal anthems. I wouldn't mind if they made a dark spooky album, with haunting shit.

I think the same. First of all, Alexi should be brave enough to write spontaneously, to use the ideas that flash in his head, and not try to imitate the bands he adores, or try to write material that fits on the same tour with Lamb of God etc.. There was definitely stuff on Blooddrunk I feel didn't come spontaneousl, or else something's just not right.

My suggestion? I recommend further experimentation with synthesizers, Bodom have a way to go yet to discover the full potential of how they can sort of benefit from the existence of the keyboard in the band.

More feeling and depth, not just thrash. Maybe an album with lot's of haunting and also beautiful keyboard vocal parts. Maybe a winter theme (cover art etc.) It's just what I have in mind.

If they instead come out with a Pantera album.. I don't even wanna think about it.