I do realize that a lot of you have barely gotten home, let alone recovered enough to have been able to watch the DVD already. But, eventually someone will have to make this thread so I may as well do it now. My buddy fast forwarded through the entire DVD to see what was on there (holy crap I'm in it a few times, I'm flattered lol) and he said that there is NOTHING on there regarding ProgPower 2 except the marquee sign, which I regard as the turning point of ProgPowers. I am wondering WHY? They covered every other ProgPower, different videos from a few bands of each ProgPower EXCEPT #2 and tons of interviews from the bands, crew, people, etc. What happened with that? That's one MAIN thing I was looking forward to to see on the DVD. Other than that, my friends said that they gave a nice even amount of coverage of the interviews with each band which I thought was way cool. I also know that there is some sort of strange issue with the way the cameras were shot at the beginning of Tad Morose's PP video... it was all shakey or filmed weird or something. Can someone else see that too?