Thoughts on the ProgPower DVD anyone???


Photo Mistress
I do realize that a lot of you have barely gotten home, let alone recovered enough to have been able to watch the DVD already. But, eventually someone will have to make this thread so I may as well do it now. My buddy fast forwarded through the entire DVD to see what was on there (holy crap I'm in it a few times, I'm flattered lol) and he said that there is NOTHING on there regarding ProgPower 2 except the marquee sign, which I regard as the turning point of ProgPowers. I am wondering WHY? They covered every other ProgPower, different videos from a few bands of each ProgPower EXCEPT #2 and tons of interviews from the bands, crew, people, etc. What happened with that? That's one MAIN thing I was looking forward to to see on the DVD. Other than that, my friends said that they gave a nice even amount of coverage of the interviews with each band which I thought was way cool. I also know that there is some sort of strange issue with the way the cameras were shot at the beginning of Tad Morose's PP video... it was all shakey or filmed weird or something. Can someone else see that too?
Don't worry're in the dvd about 4-5 times. And your voice is in there a few more times. :p

Overall I thought the DVD was very good. I wish there were interviews with the bands from the other shows but I realize this was probably due to the fact that Angry Woodchuck Productions (i think was the name) started filming stuff at PPV and the older stuff was done by someone else.

The only older thing I remember really was the 'fuck fuck fuck' from Edguy at PP3, which HAD to be included. Maybe on the next dvd (if there is one), there will be a few more videos from pp2/3.

I'm also happy to finally find out why glenn is always wearing those damn hawaii style shirts. It was so obvious that I never even thought about it. It's so that he can be quickly identified amongst the sea of black! I always thought it was because he has a sick obsession with some guy named Jimmy Buffet. :p
I thought it was hilarious. Kim, Lish, Christina and I were cracking up through most of it, and almost busted up in tears when they got to Mark. We haven't checked for the Easter egg though.
Squeak said:
which I regard as the turning point of ProgPowers. I am wondering WHY?

In regards to the videos chosen, it boiled down to artist popularity, artists permission, and time limits. I wanted move videos from PP II, but I could not get permission.

As for the remaining footage of PP II...there was none. Hell, I didn't know what I was doing as it was. I do not consider that the turning point as the fest only sold 500 tickets and I lost my ass on it.

Glenn H.
BTW, Lars says on the DVD that Manticora is playing next year. Was that just a lucky guess, or do you sometimes plan things further in advance than we know? If so, got any hints already for PPVII?:)
Thanks so much for clarifying, Glenn!!! I kinda figured it had a bit to do with getting permission. I still can't wait to see it! I am soooooooo happy that you even decided to put out ANYTHING for us, no matter what it was DVD-wise. Thanks a friggin' million. :D Now, I just have to figure out how to GET one because I think Bear forgot to buy me one. :(
Squeak said:
Thanks so much for clarifying, Glenn!!! I kinda figured it had a bit to do with getting permission. I still can't wait to see it! I am soooooooo happy that you even decided to put out ANYTHING for us, no matter what it was DVD-wise. Thanks a friggin' million. :D Now, I just have to figure out how to GET one because I think Bear forgot to buy me one. :(

I bought you one, but I think I will give that way to someone else since you have me all figured out. :Smug:

The DVD is great, thank you Glenn for putting it together. I was not lucky enough to be at PPUSA IV and the footage about Mark B and Nightwish was very very touching, I got misty eyed. For not being there, I appreciate that part of the DVD very much. Its very very cool all the way around too, Teddy cracks me up!!!

Yeah I do have a comment.......or a question rather........who's the blonde guy on there saying he shagged his own mother? What's wrong with that guy? If his mother is that hot I wanna see her! Hahaha.
I really liked it (Recognize the Rat Picture anyone? LOL). My only complaint was that the live performances were with out crowd sound. When I purchase a LIVE DVD like that, I think it's cool to have the crowd's reaction in it. Almost every singer sounded off key with out the crowd.

Or am I having sound issues with it like someone else did?

All in all I loved it. This year it looks like the PP Rat was burried, may he RIP.

Decent and entertaining DVD. I'm always mildly annoyed when people bitch about concert DVD's. Not everyone has accress to the Lucas Films production studio to produce a DVD.

My only complaint was that the Pain Of Salvation video was an older one, and not one from PPV. But I guess it's all a matter of permission.
lady_space said:
Love the DVD, but if I hear one more thing about sucking cock in Swedish, I think I'll puke. :b


jeg vil sutte din pik........that better? it's danish..... :loco:

Once I got the sound working, it was a trip and a half. The crew stories and behind-the-scenes stuff kicked ass. Hell, it was almost worth the cover price to hear the story about John Macaluso and the drum heads.
