Thrash copy/paste, all real drums, all natural mix

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
loads of outboard/hardware....

don't expect this to be as clean as exodus etc, this is a young local band recording their first EP.....we were going for a very raw and natural sound...hence the "all real, no copy paste" approach...

this is the very first roughmix, tell me what you think

Guitars are San Dimas Jackson into JVM (left) and 6505 (right), both into 1960DM mic'd with sm57+m201

Drums were my Yamaha Recording Customs with my Pearl Sensitone Custom Alloy snare.

Everything is drenched in distressor, 1176 and Phoenix

Raw Metal
When I see "all real drums" I assume no sample replacement? This sounds pretty sample-heavy.
It sounds pretty good, the vocals are perhaps a touch dull and dry.
I'm really not digging the bass. It sounds messy, all over the place and in the wrong places.
Those drums are ridiculous sounding, any information you feel like giving out on them? Are you sure that singer is young? He sounds like a grizzled 40 year old that drinks a shot of whiskey at every meal and chases it with 3 cigarettes. I like it.
Not a Single Sample used on Drums! (around the 2mins mark you can easily hear the inconsistency on the snare drum...)
Yup, the bass is not the tightest.... But the goal was "no copy-paste", so I went with live recording of it.
Singer might be the oldest in the band...early 20ies I think

If I had a decent way to capture video and sound I'd walk you thru the drum mix....I could post screenshots though?
Just sounds like great natural drums to me.

At 38 seconds in he says "Garlic Bread!" Nice.
WTF? fcking good sounding drums. =O Excellent !!!

BTW can share the raw files for us to mix ? :D

wanna try and practice hehe.
Yup, sounds fantastic. But the drums are a little wet for my taste, at least in context with this bone-dry guitars. Good old d-verb i guess. It´s not that i don´t like a good amount of verb on drums, but maybe a longer pre-delay could help? Nevermind, just my 2 cents. Awesome as usual!

PS: +1 to screnshots and all that jazz...