
He probably upped the price because of those flippers. Not that I agree with it or anything but flippers are scum of the earth bottom feeders... will instantly cause a press of something rare to sell out, then sell it for double the price or more.

Sit at their computers like zombies and wait until rare items are listed and buy more copies than allowed by the label under different names and PayPal accounts.

They make it impossible to get some releases, especially limited black metal I've noticed, for distro price.

I'm talking... fucking demo cassettes sold out on a preorder, 15 minutes after it's released by the label.
He probably upped the price because of those flippers. Not that I agree with it or anything but flippers are scum of the earth bottom feeders... will instantly cause a press of something rare to sell out, then sell it for double the price or more.

Sit at their computers like zombies and wait until rare items are listed and buy more copies than allowed by the label under different names and PayPal accounts.

They make it impossible to get some releases, especially limited black metal I've noticed, for distro price.

I'm talking... fucking demo cassettes sold out on a preorder, 15 minutes after it's released by the label.

Probably younger versions of HBB just with weaponized autism instead of regular autism
Got the mail today from dark symphonies/the crypt

I love the whole black/thrash/motorhead thing.

It's pretty rare I feel for bands in that whole realm to genuinely outdo their old material with a new album but Hellripper destroyed his previous The Manifestation of Evil EP with Coagulating Darkness.