
No MW are fucking killer. I don't give a shit what anyone says...Anyone I know who loves Thrash likes them except on this forum. If TAOP came out in the 80s it would be a classic.

How can you not like this? catchy riffs, energetic, great live, old school.
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Their riffs are extremely basic and generic, their songs are under-developed, and their vocalist is boring.
some of my fave discoveries from the last month, enjoy(posted some earlier, but everyone was too busy talking bout sick thrash like new detente and municipal waste to notice)

Fusion thrash band from mexico, wtf :loco:

heaviest italian thrash from back in the day(sick production)

very good slayer baby from australia

really catchy dutch thrash
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Very happy in finding this in a used bin for $15.

Do you get off on being full of shit? Like is it a fetish thing for you?

No? Are you done asking questions? Do like get off on asking stupid questions?

they have a lot of energy I think you are crazy, even if you don't like them, everyone who does makes it pretty insane

Energy =/= good music. Vektor beats the shit out of MW in all aspects, seen them live as well and would love to see them again.
No? Are you done asking questions? Do like get off on asking stupid questions?

Energy =/= good music. Vektor beats the shit out of MW in all aspects, seen them live as well and would love to see them again.

I didn't say they were good because of their live energy, but saying that the band live is boring is ridiculous..stop trying to prove stuff mang and just live!
I didn't say they were good because of their live energy, but saying that the band live is boring is ridiculous..stop trying to prove stuff mang and just live!

They aren't boring due to energy, they are boring due to being cheesy/shitty as hell.

FUCKN PARTEE DUDES!!! LIKE METAL N SHIT!! RIGHTEOUS!! <Start playing shitty thrash>

Suicidal Tendencies was at that concert and they suck ass too, plenty of energy, but lots of energy being fucking retarded is not a good thing.