

My policy is only download out of print or albums by broken up bands. Current bands need our support to stay alive. Although I get it, eBay isn't the best way to support the band. At least someone will buy more from them to resell or something.


My policy is to only buy stuff from bands that i really like, everything else i download and check out first, if i like it i buy it, if i dont i get rid of it. That being said, i have well over 500 CD's and a shitload of old tapes, lol.
I've been really into this new band Power Trip. They just recently released their debut full-length on Southern Lord, and it is absolutely killer. Definitely one of the best new thrash albums released. They really hit all the right marks: really awesome production, great riffs (with dynamics!), and the lyrics are worth reading too (which is quite the feat, especially in this genre).

Here's a sample:

You can stream the whole thing on their bandcamp site.

Also, extra points for a legendary Paolo Girardi painting!

Sounds like its straight out of 1988 or 1989. The guitar sound, breakdowns and gang vocals (not to mention the band's name) are all total late 80s/early 90s anachronisms ala Vio-Lence, Demolition Hammer, Cyclone Temple yada yada. No wonder they have beanie wearing, circle kicking fagotrons at their gigs.

Listen to Ranger instead.

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Sounds like its straight out of 1988 or 1989. The guitar sound, breakdowns and gang vocals (not to mention the band's name) are all total late 80s/early 90s anachronisms ala Vio-Lence, Demolition Hammer, Cyclone Temple yada yada. No wonder they have beanie wearing, circle kicking fagotrons at their gigs.

Yup, pretty obvious crossover influences, which I can get behind. It's that punk element that I think most of these new-thrash bands completely overlook. Power Trip gets it, and does it well. Who they draw to their concerts is of little importance to me.
I like the new Evile, but I feel it is a step down from their last album. There are some killer solos and riffs but it seems like a lot of it I have heard before on previous Evile albums or on Metallica or Slayer albums. There is an Evile forum on this site with more discussion about Skull.
Sounds like its straight out of 1988 or 1989. The guitar sound, breakdowns and gang vocals (not to mention the band's name) are all total late 80s/early 90s anachronisms ala Vio-Lence, Demolition Hammer, Cyclone Temple yada yada. No wonder they have beanie wearing, circle kicking fagotrons at their gigs.

Listen to Ranger instead.


Especially the part about listening to Ranger. No faggots in sight.
this isn't the song I wanted to post, but it was the only one on Youtube. Lustration. Killer black thrash band from Australia

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Finally listened to the new Violator album. It's fucking killer all the way through. My Thrash album of the year, and I seriously doubt anything will top it.

It's up there with Havok's Time Is Up.
Few more recent good thrash bands that don't sound like the same skank beat abusing Municipal Waste clones:

Rusted Brain:



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:kickass: man those guys were the shit, sucks that they split up before releasing a full length. Their Laserdome EP is fucking awesome.


new Skeletonwitch coming ....

... fuck yes!

Fuckin love this new album.

Also like the Blood Tsunami posted above, they deserve to be better known. Kind of a black/thrash combo
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