Thrash's conversion to the 90s...

If you don't like Testament's Demonic and Gathering albums you haven't done your home work properly...I liked their reunion album too...:)


You're right. I haven't done my homework. I was very busy getting drunk and high the years those albums came out.

I thought reunion album was meh, but not the worst thing I've ever heard. It just seemed like more mid-tempo shit.
Not enough love for this band -

Unfortunate that they also didn't weather the 90s well. Their third album has slow parts on it.
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Just think of how much better ANY of these bands were back when they doing shitloads of blow. I'm not endorsing it, but it's just what seemed to get the job done.
Yeah Ritual is is bit moody album, very heavy and dark. BUT I like it more than Souls of Black or Practice What You Preach. But I put it on only when I'm in that kinda is good album for Finnish autumns...:) Low is also good one... much Suicidal Tendencies changed during 90's from thrash funk metal to skate punk...I didn't and don't care 'cos if possible I'm even bigger SxTx than Anthrax fan...:) You know sometimes it is easier to tolerate those changes if you "live them" don't of course have to be happy about them or like them if they are for your opinion.

...I forgot...another fav of mine - Voivod. They changed a lot during the 90's - well they change all the time - but I liked that change...Negatron and Phobos were and still are great albums...of course I love The Outer Limits and Angel Rat too...

Voivod's Venom cover of In League With Satan is awesome - check out: Voivod - Lives if you haven't heard it.

The last good Suicidal album was How Will I Laugh.... love that one. There's some good songs on Lights, Camera, Revolution but I can't listen to the whole thing. Freedumb is okay. They were all over the place.... first they were hardcore punk, then crossover, then funk-metal, then back to skate punk. The stuff they did recently where they re-recorded songs from Join the Army is just awful.
Testament's early albums (including Ritual) were also badly produced (even relatively), especially the drums.

But I gotta disagree with those who don't dig the new Exodus shit and Rob Dukes. Exhibit B is an awesome album! So is Shovel Headed. That shit is fuckin i n t e n s e!!
I like Testament too but overall I think they sound too much like old Metallica. It's the vocal style if nothing else. I think they could've done more to differentiate themselves at the time, which is what Anthrax did so well. I have to say though, Disciples of the Watch is the fuckin' jam.

Metallica don't even sound like Metallica anymore.

Testament has never sounded much like Metallica. This just proves you really have not listened to Testament much. They have many records and all of them are brutal thrash except for The Ritual.

If you look up Thrash in the dictionary it will have a big TestAmenT logo next to it. They are one of the best of all time when it comes to Thrash.

Anthrax changed from Thrash to something else
Megadeth changed
Metallica changed

Testament always stayed true to thrash... even their latest album was fucking pure blow heavy thrash and was awesome. The Formation of Damnation rules. I can't wait for the next one in a few months!

Just wait until the Testament and Anthrax tour. You will see how bad ass Testament is live. I look forward to that more than Anthrax to be honest. I can only handle hearing Indians, Only, Got The Time, Caught in A Mosh, Anti Social, Madhouse, I am the law so many times.
Chances are if you were a thrash band in the 80s that hailed from San Francisco your sound was largely borrowed from Metallica to some degree. If you were from any other part of the planet it was more likely that you'd have a more original take on things.
Metallica don't even sound like Metallica anymore.

Testament has never sounded much like Metallica. This just proves you really have not listened to Testament much. They have many records and all of them are brutal thrash except for The Ritual.

So you're saying that I just came up with my own opinion about a band even though I apparently haven't really listened to them? Good one dude. We all know that Metallica doesn't sound like Metallica anymore. I like the early Testament stuff, it's good thrash, but what keeps me liking it even more is that I think it sounds too much like OLD Metallica, and that they could've done more to differentiated themselves. Just listen to the vocals, they sound pretty much the same to me. It's like what resumurofnikufesin said, most bands from that era took a cue from Metallica, and some came out sounding like them more than others (for better or worse). I very much look forward to seeing Testament w/ Anthrax since I've never seen them before, but I'm definitely more pumped for Anthrax.
If you don't like Testament's Demonic and Gathering albums you haven't done your home work properly...I liked their reunion album too...:)


The Gathering, to me, is the best thrash record ever. Period. Three Days of Darkness, Fall of Sipledome, DNR,'s just an incredible album. How people can sit here and say that Testament "doesn't belong in the same tier" is fucking ridiculous. They've NEVER put out a bad album. They got heavier in the mid to late 90's and the only thing that derailed them was Chuck's cancer. I'll admit that Practice was their stab at the Justice sound, but lots of bands did it (Sacred Reich's "American Way" anyone?) but it's still a really good album. I think people grade The Ritual based on "Electric Crown" and never got into the rest of the album. It's one of their darkest albums.